Letter #17

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And thus ends the last regular robotics competition of the season. I am thankful that we did get to drive you over, but you were sitting on the other side of the car, so I couldn't talk to you as much without speaking a bit loudly. In all honesty, I really wanted to sit next you, but was really disappointed when the other girl we were supposed to drive sat next to you instead. The only conversation I remember having with you, my brother, and that girl was discussing prom. I sarcastically asked you to take me to prom. You didn't technically decline, but you did firmly say that you don't go to school dances. I knew that already, I just wanted to see if you would actually want to take me.
Although the car ride to the competition was slightly disappointing, the whole competition itself made up for it. I did my duty to analyze the other teams, and when I was done with that, I just watched the matches with you. Since the seats were full, we had to sit on the steps in front of them. I'm surprised that it wasn't really awkward when we had to sit so close together that our sides were touching. Did I ever tell you that you looked really good with those safety glasses on? And you were really cute when I said "hi" to you as you were about to sit. The slight smile, then escalating to the laugh you made when I said hi to you made me feel really happy.
As the competition was slowly coming to an end and I was a little irked and down that our team lost during the semifinals, your kind little gestures calmed me really quickly. I remember sitting at a table looking toward the screen as the other teams were competing in the finals when I felt something slightly bump me from behind. I looked behind me and saw an orange, one of my favorite fruits, on the table I was sitting at. Then I looked up and saw you standing there; you had a slight grin and nodded to me as you walked away.
After the competition we all went out for ice cream because it was the team leader's birthday. When I saw you sitting at a table alone, I decided to sit with you. I wonder how you felt when I did that. Overall, this day was really fun.
This day might also be one of the last days we see each other regularly.

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