Letter #15

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I think that it's a bad idea to have a crush on you. Lately, I have been mocked, laughed at, and teased at because they found out that I like you. After all this, you might as well know that I like you. I hope you have no clue of this. My brother found out about my crush on you, and decided to tell a few of his friends. One of his friends was a girl. I'm pretty sure you know her, and I very well know that she knows you. My brother proceeded to tell me that the girl liked you. Now, I am nearing to the point where my self-esteem declines more and more. It will be hard to say goodbye to this silly crush of mine; it will be hard to say goodbye to you. She's in your grade as well, you would be closer than we could ever be. I wish I didn't like you; it wouldn't hurt as much. Maybe I should start to avoid you; go back to the times where I just admired you from afar.

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