Part 5

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Edd hugged him back. ''Please don't kill Tom, ok?'' Edd whispered in Tord's hoodie. 
Tord giggled a little. ''Fine. I'll not kill him. Well... not yet.'' The Norwegian laughed but got a kick at his knee from Edd.
''Ow.. just kidding dude.'' They both laughed together and then Edd stopped hugging Tord.

''But to be honest... I don't think Tom feels the same for  me.'' Edd sighed. ''He told me that I'm a little brother for him.'' 
Tord smiled, because he knew how Tom really feels about Edd. ''Don't worry, Broccoli. You're much more than a little brother for this eyeless Pineapple.'' Tord blinked to Edd. 
Edd looked scepticaled to his red hoodie friend. ''How will you know that?'' He asked.
''Oh... Let me just say... I have my sources.'' Tord said with an evil smile. ''Ooookay?'' Edd said confused.
''Ha! I'm just kidding with you! But... I mean it. Don't destroy your own hope, because there is hope for you two. Believe me.'' Tord hugged his small friend again. ''And really. Be honest with yourself. For me, you're a little brother and look how I tease you!'' Tord laughed and started tickeling Edd. '' Nuuuuu! Stop!'' Edd laughed together with Tord.

''So believe me. Tom likes you more than you know. Just... make the first step.'' Tord said with a smile, still hugging Edd. ''Maybe you're right. But if I make the first step you'll make the first step too!'' Edd giggeled.

Then, the bathroomdoor got surprising opend and someone stepped in.

#TomEdd - Teenager AUWhere stories live. Discover now