Part 9

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"F-Fuck.. " Tom whispered and hold his bleeding nose. "It's your own fault.  I would say sorry, but I'm not sorry. " Tord said with anger in his voice, looking cold down at his enemy. 
"Heh... Told ya. You're an asshole and after that punch even Edd will see it!" Tom looked up at the Norwegian, trying to stop his bleeding nose.  Tords anger suddenly flow away. He began to realize what he just did and felt something else: Fear. Fear to lose his best friend.  "No.. " he whispered with open eyes.  "Yes Commie.  You're no good for him! It's better for him if he sees what an asshole you are!" Tom said seriously. "Thomas-"
"Stop calling me that!" Tom interrupted Tord, yelling angry by the hearing of his full name.  "Let me finish speaking jfc!" Tord yelled back. Tom growled but then crossed his arms.  "Fine.. " he whispered.
Tord looked down at him and sighed.  "Listen.  I know I'm an asshole but I'm a really good friend to Edd." The Norwegian started talking and helped Tom up.  "We both know it'll break Edds smol and innocent heart if you tell him the lies." he goes on, giving Tom a handkerchief for his nose. "And- to be honest I didn't mean to hit you that hard.. " Tord sighs. "I'm sorry."
Tom thought to himself, feeling a bit bad about what he said and sighed.  "Commie. I'm- well I'm kinda sorry too. I still hate you! But I'm sorry about the things I said..  Also- I wasn't honest to you." Tom started. "I just wanted to make you angry." Tord looked surprised, raising a eyebrow. "First of all.  Matt doesn't have a girlfriend and.. " Tom stopped for a moment, unsure if he should say it. "and?" Tord asks skeptically.  "Matt.. Doesn't think you're an edgy teenager who wants attention... In fact- He actually has a crush on you Tord. "

#TomEdd - Teenager AUWhere stories live. Discover now