Episode 1 - Wolf Moon

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It's a strong word that gets thrown around lightly.

I thought I had plenty of friends back home, turns out I was wrong.

I got thrown to the curb for some kid with a powerful daddy, even my girlfriend and my best-friend tossed me aside like trash.

Thank gods I had a place to run, a place to hide, a place away from everything.


"Percy! Sally! It's been too long," My mom hugged Uncle Noah.

They had a close relationship until my uncle lost his wife and isolated himself, speaking to few bar his son. Speaking of him...

"Stiles." I smile and we do our special handshake and end it with a hug.

"Percy! Man, how've you been?" Stiles takes my bags and leads me inside.

"Honestly? Pretty shit."

"Well forget about all that and enjoy your new life in Beacon Hills!" He throws his hands in the air almost throwing him off balance. I laugh as I reach the top steps.


"You've always sucked at video games." I say placing the controller down and propping my feet on the table

"Rude. I think dinner's done, come on." He pushes me onto the couch and runs off giggling maniacally, I get up and follow him down the stairs (resisting the urge to push him down them).

"Alright, I'm gonna be gone for the rest of the night, please, Percy, help yourself to anything," Uncle Noah smiled as he attached his walkie talkie to his belt, "Stiles?"

Stiles looked up from his plate, the spaghetti in his mouth making a sort of mustache.

"Mhm?" he manages.

"Behave and treat our guest well. I have a case, I'm so sorry." He smiles apologetically and grabs his jacket.

Stiles scrambles to his feet, swallowing the remains of his spaghetti.

"Wait!" He shouts.

"Stiles, it's a serious case and I don't want you getting hurt. Just stay home and look after Percy." Noah pats Stiles' shoulder and heads out the door.

Stiles flips from looking downtrodden to upbeat in a second.


I shake my head and lean back feeling full.

"So what's your dad's case?" I ask.

"Murder." Stiles says nonchalantly.

Stiles seems to be oblivious to my shock as he stuffs his face with more pasta. He looks up and swallows quickly.

"They think it's a coyote, but if you look at the claw marks, they don't match," he clears up.

I sigh, slightly relieved. "You know this how?"

Stiles winked in response.

"Anyways," Stiles started, "I'm gonna hit the hay, toilets are down the hall and I'll see you all in the morning," Stiles grabbed our plates, puts them in the dishwasher and rushes upstairs in about ten seconds flat.

"Well, I guess we should get to bed too, it's pretty late," Mom smiles at me "Goodnight Percy,"


I stared blankly at my ceiling, my mind fogged by ghosts of my past.

Gods, this move will be good for me.

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now