Episode 8 - Lunatic

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Stiles led us on a muddy path through the woods of Beacon Hills, kicking up leaves and sticks that had been thrown to the ground in the brisk, February winds, the same winds that now whipped our exposed flesh with cool air. I pulled the drawstring on my hoodie tighter, leaving a small hole for my eyes and nose. My foot was in a cast but I could hobble along quickly enough to keep up with Scott, who charged ahead trying to catch up to Stiles.

"Where are we going?" Scott panted, stumbling over a root that had grown out of the ground. I chuckled quietly to myself, thinking of Katie trapping the Stolls with plants after a prank.

"You'll see," Stiles said confidently. I could almost hear the grin on his face through his voice.

"Because I really don't think we should be out here," Scott explained, nervously glancing around the black outline of the trees, "My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened in school..."

I scoffed and limped faster to catch up to Stiles manic pace. "We live with the sheriff, Scott! You think your mom is paranoid? Uncle Noah is making us a timetable for where and when we need to do something at home! I have to wake up at six in the morning to have breakfast!" I complained.

Scott shook his head in disbelief. "Can you at least tell me what we're doing here?" Scott huffed grumpily.

Stiles sighed. "When one of your best friends gets dumped – "

"We're taking a break!" Scott interrupted angrily.

"Well, when one of your best friends gets told by his girlfriend that they're 'taking a break', you get that friend drunk enough that he forgets!" Stiles smiled and held up a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Starting kinda heavy there Stiles..." I pointed out to Stiles as he poured him and Scott a cup (I don't drink.).

Stiles waved me off, "Trust me Perce, I know how to hold my drink, m'kay?" He slurred, already swaying from his first sip. I sighed and waited for disaster.

Thirty minutes later and Stiles was completely shitfaced.

"She's just one girl, dude! Bro, there's plenty more womens in the sea!" Stiles blurted out, head rolling everywhere. I ran over and caught his head before he smashed his skull in on a rock.

"Do you mean, there's plenty more fish in the sea?" I asked, propping his head on some grass.

Stiles looked up at me appalled. "No! Percy, get your fish fetish out of this! Scott and I are talking about girls..."

Scott and I giggled as Stiles looked at us drunkenly perplexed.

"I love girls! Especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, five foot three..." Stiles rambled to himself.

"Like Lydia?" Scott asked, smirking.

Stiles stumbled to his feet, shock plastered over his face. "How did you know!? Are you psychic too?" Stiles slipped over his word a couple of times.

Scott chuckled and stared into the small fire we'd made in a nearby barrel, every now and again the flames would splutter and I would have to find some sticks to throw in there so the fire wouldn't die and we'd all freeze. Scott looked into the dancing flames, the tongues of orange flames lighting up his darkened face.

"Hey!" Stiles slurred, "You not happy! Take a drink!" Stiles reached over for the bottle knocking it over into the grass. I snatched it up before we lost too much drink.

"I don't want anymore." Scott muttered into the flames.

"You're not drunk?" I asked, noticing Scott's perfect speech, "You've had like half a bottle?"

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now