Episode 11 - Formality

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My eyes snapped open to a bright light. "Wha – " I muttered, wincing at the soreness in my leg.

"Ah, you're awake!" Scott's boss informed me helpfully, "Scott's been awake for hours now," He pointed me to a table next to me where Scott was leaning up, bandages covering his bare torso.

"But, you're a vet?" I asked feebly.

"I said the same thing," Scott chuckled, "He is, most of the time."

The bell jingled as I carefully swung my legs off of the metal table and sipped some water. Scott's boss put his finger on his lips and walked out of the operating room to greet the visitor at the desk.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed," Deaton said (I read his name from the degree on the wall).

"Hi there, I'm here to pick up." Peter's deathly calm voice echoed through the operating room, stunning Scott and I into freezing.

"I'm not sure I remember you dropping off..." Deaton responded sceptically.

Peter chuckled, "I think these two wandered in on their own..."

"Even if they did, I'm sorry but I can't help you, we're closed."

"Surely you can make an exception? Just this one time..." Peter's steps grew louder.

"I'm sorry, that's not possible, maybe come back during regular hours?"

"You have something of mine." Peter paused, "I would like it back..."

"Like I said, we're closed." Deaton said, starting to threaten Peter. I looked around for a backdoor out but found nothing.

Peter winced at something, "Mountain Ash for your desk? Very clever, it's an old one, but still very clever..." Peter congratulated sarcastically, tapping his claws onto glass somewhere. Something crashed and Scott ran to help his boss, but I held him back.

"Let me be as clear as possible," Deaton threatened slowly, "We. Are. Closed."

Peter huffed and whispered something unintelligibly. Scott froze and fell back into me. The bell jingled again as Peter left.

"Allison..." Scott muttered.


"Call it again!" Scott called, looking under his bed for the fourth time. Stiles and I groaned; we'd been looking for his phone for the last three hours.

"It's not here Scott!" Stiles moaned, slamming his head backwards onto Scott's bed. Scott scrambled around, looking under his bed, throwing random items around under there. "So you lost your phone? Just buy another!" Stiles rolled his eyes as Scott chucked more stuff around his room.

"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone, we need to find Derek!" Scott huffed, staring dejectedly at the messy, phoneless underside of his bed.

"Well, for starters, you aren't alone. You have us!" Stiles and I smiled cheerily at Scott, "And secondly, apparently he walked headfirst into gunfire, he sounds pretty dead to me!" I tried as Scott ran into his bathroom

"Argent's plan was to use him to get the Alpha, they won't kill him." Scott explained, rooting through his toiletries. I tried to tell him that his phone wouldn't be in a bag of shampoo but Scott ignored me and carried on.

"Well, let them do what they're planning! Let them use Derek as bait!" Stiles said, watching Scott throw clothes around amused. "They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved!"

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