Episode 2 - Second Chance At First Line

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So I've been having some issues with Wattpad, so I'm having to re-publish this part at one in the morning.

I woke up surrounded by white.

White walls, white curtains, white bed covers, white table. Hell, they even had a white flower in a white flowerpot on my table.

I was in a hospital.

Shit, how was I supposed to explain my miraculous healing to the doctors?

"You look a lot better." I didn't notice the nurse come in. She was tan with dark hair and a face that was attractive but had obviously been aged from working in a stressful environment like a hospital. "Just came in to check if you'd woken up. I found you passed out outside my house." This must be Scott's mom.

"How long have I been out?" I asked holding my head.

She raised an eyebrow amused.

"They always ask that first. Not too long, couple of hours. No other injuries apart from a mild bump to the head when you dropped I assume. We're gonna keep you in for a bit, do some check-ups, you've missed school by the way." She checked my blood and some other medical stuff before leaving. I pulled my shirt and inspected my chest, nothing.

Thank god for waterlogged ground.

Scott's mom and some other people came in to do the tests but thankfully I was out soon. Stiles picked me up and we went back home. He sat in silence whilst I explained what had happened with Scott, we agreed not to tell Scott or else he would feel guilty and we needed to make sure he was concentrating on controlling his wolf powers.

Speaking of Scott, apparently he'd injured Jackson at practise today by accidentally wolfing out, he'd then attacked Stiles in the locker room.

The one day I miss school and everything cool happens.

"Well, at least Allison forgave him. That's something, right?" I said as Stiles set up his web cam. Scott flashed up on the screen and Stiles shot him with his alien gun toy thing. I swear he's a teenager, honest.

"Perce, where were you today?" Scott asked, dark circles forming beneath his eyes.

"Just getting a prescription for my meds," I lied easily whilst wrestling Stiles to get on screen.

"Oh, Stiles, what did you find out?"

"Well Jackson's got a separated shoulder," Stiles said seeming kind of pleased that the Jackass got injured.

"Because of me?" Scott asked, looking depressed.

"He got injured because he's a tool, Scott, don't worry about it," I try to cheer him up.

"Do you know if he's gonna play?"

Stiles shrugged in response.

"Well, they don't know yet, now they're just counting on you for Saturday."

Scott sighed and shook his head. Stiles scrunched his eyebrows and studied the screen.

"What?" Scott and I asked in union.

The connection got fuzzy so Stiles had to type out his answer.

"Look in the corner Perce, looks like someone's there." My eyes widened when I saw what he was talking about.

"Derek!" I whispered.

The connection broke and Stiles and I held our breath.

Was Scott okay?

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now