Episode 9 - Wolf's Bane

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Derek's black mustang screeched around the winding roads of the iron works, the lights of the Argent car behind us shining over the car's smooth, black paint.

"Um, Scott, could you drive a bit faster? I can feel the hunter's breath on my neck!" I shouted from the backseat, thrown against my seatbelt as Scott whipped around another corner.

"Faster!? Any faster and I'll kill us all!" Scott snarled over the rock music on the radio.

"Any slower and they'll kill us!" Stiles quipped, nervously fingering his seatbelt.

Scott sighed and the car lurched forward as he pressed his foot down. The engine roared as we drifted around another corner.

"They're gone!" I said, looking behind me at the empty road behind us.

"All units, suspect is on foot and heading into the iron works." Blared Stiles' police scanner. Scott flung the wheel round and headed into the iron works. Flashes of bright silver blinded us as we slowed down so that Derek could get in the car with us.

"Derek!" I shouted. Derek turned around and sprinted for the car, bullets tearing up the concrete behind him. Stiles clambered over the seats to be in the back with be just as Derek flung open the door, threw himself in and the car flew forward.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott grumbled.

"I wouldn't need to lay low if somebody hadn't made me Beacon Hills' most wanted criminal!" Derek snarled back. "I had him! the Alpha was right in front of me and the police showed up!"

"Well, you know, they're only doing their jobs, keeping the people safe – " Derek cut Stiles off with a glare.

"Again, they wouldn't need to if someone hadn't made me a fugitive!" Derek roared angrily.

Scott shifted nervously in his seat. "Can we move past this!? I made a mistake! I get it!"

"Alright!" I shouted, "I'm fucking sick of this bitchiness! We are in the situation we are in, the question is, what do we do now to get out of it!? First, Derek, how did you even find him?"

Derek grunted.

"Can you try to trust us? For half a fucking second?" Scott complained.

"Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found out two things, something to do with a guy called Harris – "

"Our Chemistry teacher!?" Stiles interrupted.

"I knew he was a dick!" I mumbled.

Derek glared at Stiles, who slowly lowered himself back into the back seat.

"The second is this symbol," Derek pulled out a piece of paper with a wolf drawn on it.

"Hey, Scott? That looks kinda like – " Scott shushed me and sighed, banging his head on the seat's headrest.

"It's on Allison's necklace..." He muttered sadly, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove.


"It's gonna be impossible, you know? Right?" I told Scott as we entered the school.

"Just ask if you can borrow it?" said Stiles, absent-mindedly fiddling with his lacrosse stick as we walked down the halls.

"How?" Scott laughed humourlessly.

"Easy! Just say, 'Hey Allison! Could I borrow your necklace?'" Stiles mimicked Scott's voice.

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now