Episode 4 - Magic Bullet

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"So the bus driver died?" I asked, clarifying with Scott what had happened. Scott rolled his eyes from his desk next to mine.

"Yes, we covered this ages ago, keep up man," Scott sighed exasperated, looking around the room for the test results that were being handed out.

"So Derek isn't the alpha and he's not the one that bit you? Then who is?" Stiles piped up from his seat, he had been sitting staring into space, thinking for like 5 minutes before speaking.

"I don't know," Scott groaned, mainly because we'd asked him the same question all day.

"So the alpha killed the bus driver?" I asked, just making one hundred percent sure I knew what was going on.

"I don't know," Scott hissed at me. Stiles and I slumped back in our chairs and sighed.

"So does Allison's dad kno – " Stiles started.

"I. don't. Know!" Scott half whispered half yelled, causing everyone to look at us. I smiled awkwardly at everyone as Mr Allan gave me my test results. On the pale, yellow paper, drawn in bright, bold red pen was a F. I sighed and hid the mark under my hand. Next to me Scott tried to do the same before Stiles saw.

"Dude, you need to study more," Stiles advised, leaning over Scott's shoulder. Scott bowed his head and said nothing.

"It was just a joke, man, you'll make it up easy!" I tried to reassure Scott, whilst covering for my cousin.

"Do you need any help studying or anything? I'm happy to help." Stiles tried.

"Nah, I'm studying with Allison after school today,"

I smirked and elbowed Stiles, making kissing faces.

'Whipped'. He mouthed back.

"That's my boy," he chuckled, clapping Scott on the shoulder. Scott shrugged it off.

"It's just studying." Scott mumbled.

"Trust me, you won't be studying," I chuckled to myself thinking of Annabeth before quickly stopping myself.

"I won't?" Scott asked, staring at me brows furrowed in confusion.

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you!" Stiles exclaimed as if it were obvious, "If you go to her house today and squander this golden opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you de-balled!"

My mind flashed to the Hunters of Artemis and my hand instinctively went to the crotch of my Aphrodite selected grey skinny jeans to make sure my crown jewels were protected.

I shuffled in my seat, my ADHD was kicking in and I didn't feel entirely comfortable in the clothes Aphrodite had given me. I was wearing grey skinny jeans (that showed off my ass according to Aphy), a grey V neck t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. I had thrown on a beanie because it was getting chilly.

"Right, no more questions!" Scott hissed at us both. Stiles put his hands in the air.

"No more questions, I get it man," he said, "No more questions about the alpha, or Derek... who still scares me..."


I subtly slid my paper crane over to Erica as we watched Harris drone on about fractional distillation or some bullshit. I had taken to crappy origami whilst Harris lectured the class, to keep my hands busy, and then Erica would explain the subject to me later. Erica rolled her eyes at me and nudged my leg whilst nodding her head at the whiteboard Harris was doodling on.

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now