Episode 7 - Night School

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"Lock it!" Scott screamed, throwing his bodyweight onto the door.

"With what fucking key!?" I screamed back through gritted teeth, the treads on my grimy converse sliding along the floor as I pressed myself into the door.

Scott's wide eyes flickered to Stiles.

"Grab something!" he shouted frantically.

"Like what!" Stiles stumbled.

"The bolt cutters! We can wedge the door shut!" I hissed at Stiles, eyes fiery.

Stiles' face sunk into his hands as he sighed and glanced to a patch of grass outside. Startlingly yellow bolt cutters shimmered with the dew from the emerald blades of grass tauntingly.

Fucks sake...

Stiles and Scott yelped and grabbed at me as I slipped past them out of the doors. It was eerily quiet outside, I could hear nothing but the wind as it whipped past my crouched form and the panicked whispers of my friends behind me. My ratty converse connecting with the concrete sounded like thunderclaps in comparison and I winced at every step I took. I ran my fingers in the dew of the grass and felt invigorated.

A low rubble came from behind Stiles' jeep and dark paws padded softly along the grey carpark. Blood red, malice filled eyes stared through my head and I felt the Alpha study my every movement. I did the same. The wiry muscles in the Alpha's leg tensed, I grabbed the cutters and rolled sideways as the Alpha's claws ripped through the air my throat used to be. I scrambled to my feet and sprinted clumsily to the door Scott held open for me as the Alpha's teeth gnashed together with part of my jeans between.

Scott slammed the door behind me and I cradled the small cut in my leg where the werewolf's teeth had grazed it. The small cut oozed crimson blood onto the corridor.

"Does that count as a bite?" I asked Scott nervously. Scott looked down at the cut wide eyed and nervous.

"Mine was bigger, and it went in a couple of days, we'll have to see." Scott replied as calmly as he could.

Stiles jammed the bolt cutter into the doors, preventing anyone getting in.

Or escaping. I thought cynically.

"They won't hold, will they?" Scott asked Stiles tentatively.

Stiles grimaced in response.

We looked behind us at the dark corridor that stretched into an abyss of lockers in the distance. Shadows danced on the locker doors and I could imagine Nico having a great time here.

How is Nico? Does he know where I am? If any demigod knew, it would be him, and I'd doubt he'd tell anyone else, he hates half of them.

I shook from my thoughts as I writhed from Scott placing some bandaging on my leg to stop the blood flow. Distant howl reverberated down the halls.

Scott, Stiles and I glanced at each other and sprinted to the next classroom.

Just as I limped into the classroom, Scott and Stiles slammed the door and ran to the desk, pushing it toward the door.

"Stop!" I shouted over the scraping of the desk on the ground, "The door's not gonna keep it out!"

Stiles stopped and smacked his hands on the desk, "He's right, all it's gonna do is keep us trapped with your boss!" he explained between huffs.

"What! How do you know it's my boss!?" Scott jumped to his boss' aid quickly.

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now