Episode 12 - Code Breaker

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"Don't kill her!" Stiles shouted at Peter as we ran. Peter loomed over Lydia's bloody form, thick, red blood dribbling from his mouth.

"I would never!" Peter put his hand on his heart and nodded sarcastically. Stiles dived to cover Lydia's body from Peter. "Just tell me how to find Derek..." Peter growled lowly.

"What...?" I asked. "How would we know that?" I asked, more panicked this time as Peter circled Lydia's neck with his claws.

"Stiles would," Peter stared at Stiles. "You are the clever one. Aren't you?"

"Uh, no..." Stiles lied badly, staring in horror at Lydia's lifeless eyes.

Peter tutted. "Deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles, I should warn you..."

"I have no idea, I swear to God! Please!" Stiles cried.

Peter placed his hand by Lydia's throat. "Tell me, or I'll rip her fucking throat out Stiles." Peter said calmly, as if chastising a child.

Stiles whimpered, "I think he knew... Derek I mean... I think he knew he'd be caught, by the Argents... When, when, when they were shot, him and Scott, I think he took Scott's phone..." Stiles turned to me, "That's why we couldn't find it in his room. Maybe, maybe we could trace it..."

Peter smiled and stood up, the faint February wind whipping his brown hair. "Follow." He ordered.

"What're you doing? You can't just leave her here!" I shouted.

"I'm not moving unless she's safe!" Stiles cried, warm tears trickling down his face.

Peter scoffed. "You act like you have a choice. You will follow me."

Stiles looked down at Lydia's bloodied form and sobbed. "Just kill me! I don't care anymore!"

My eyes widened and I threw myself in front of Stiles as Peter stalked forward. "Don't listen to him! Just let us call Jackson or something!" I stumbled over my words panicking and throwing out my hand as a weak barrier between Peter and Stiles.

Peter smirked and raised an eyebrow, like we were children that had done something vaguely entertaining. "That's all you get."


The jeep rolled into an empty, white parking lot, multiple stories high. Stiles trundled the jeep up the gentle slopes up to the third level, parking next the other car on the level by Peter's instruction.

Peter stormed out of the jeep and dragged Stiles and I by our ears over to the sad grey sedan next to us.

"Who's car is this?" I asked timidly.

"My nurse's..." Peter said blankly.

"What ever happened to her – Holy shit!" I exclaimed as Peter popped open his trunk to reveal the rotting corpse of a red headed nurse. Peter carelessly tossed the bodies arm off of a brief case and slammed the boot shut.

"I got better." Peter answered simply and opened the brief case, placing a silver laptop that reminded me of Daedalus'' onto the boot.

"Good luck getting signal in here..." Stiles scoffed, revelling in the small amount of power we'd been dealt by the fates. Peter shot him a look and whipped out a small cartridge. Stiles cockiness flew from his face. "Oh, MiFi... That a personal preference or are werewolves naturally drawn to that brand?"

I snickered whilst Peter glared at Stiles. Peter wrenched the silver laptop open and pushed Stiles towards it.

"You still need Scott's username and password." Stiles said, connecting to the MiFi.

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