Episode 5 - The Tell

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Ngl, I don't think I've written particularly well, but it gets the job done.

"So, Derek's uncle is alive, the argents set fire to Derek's house, killed a load of people as well as werewolves and he says Allison is gonna do the same..." I whistled, "Damn..."

Through the screen of Stiles' computer I could see Scott leaning back on his chair.

"Yup, and now I've got to go meet up with him, apparently there was another attack..." Scott garbled through the speakers.

"No doubt Stiles will get us some info on it whilst he's riding around with Uncle Noah." I smiled and checked my watch for the time.

7:30, I should go and revise with Erica.

"Woah, dude, what's on your arm?"


I hastily pulled my sleeve back down over my trident tattoo.

"It's nothing, dirt or something..."

"Dude!" Do you have a tattoo!?" Scott asked excitedly.

I winced and looked around nervously, hoping mom hadn't heard Scott. "Keep it down man!" I hissed. "And yes, fine, I do."

Scott grinned. "So why'd you get a tattoo? Does Erica like bad boys or something?" He teased.

I shut the computer off.


"Friendly reminder," Mr Harris drawled, "Parent-teacher conferences are tonight, all students below a C average will be required to attend," Shafts of light created by the blinds, darted around the dim classroom as Harris slunk between desks, leering down his nose at the students he deemed, 'inadequate', as he put it. "I won't name you because the shame and disgust," he spat, glaring at me and the F on my latest chemistry test, "Should be more than enough punishment."

He loomed over Stiles, who was highlighting another textbook.

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Harris asked the class, but his eyes were trained on Stiles and the bright, yellow bars that streaked across his textbook.

I winced at the squeaking hinges of the door being opened. Jackson shuffled to his seat in front of me, skin pale and blotchy, his eyes shifted nervously in their sockets. Harris sulked toward Jackson and laid a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper something to him. Erica and I leaned forward subtly to eavesdrop.

"Jackson, if you need to leave early, for any reason, you let me know, okay?" Harris clapped Jackson on the back and sent him a reassuring smile.

"Why is it all the dicks band together?" I asked Erica under my breath. She grinned and elbowed me playfully.

"Everyone, start reading chapter nine," Harris started writing something on the whiteboard, "Oh, and Mr Stilinski? Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, it's chemistry, not a colouring book."

Erica prodded my arm with her pen and tore me away from glaring at Harris. She started explaining the diagrams and telling me about pure and impure substances and for a brief second I felt like I was back at Camp Half Blood, sitting in the amphitheatre, holding Annabeth in my arms as she read aloud paragraphs of facts about some architect called Alexandros Tom-something or other.

"Hey Danny, can I ask you a question?" Stiles' whisper broke me from my reverie.

"No." Danny continued writing down a formula.

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