Episode 10 - Co Captain

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I shook Stiles, who was staring at the two werewolves. "We need to warn Scott!" I whispered. Stiles nodded and followed me out of the hospital as Peter started monologuing about accidents and vengeance. We ran to the jeep, hoping desperately that Peter hadn't seen us run out. Stiles drove manically, weaving through cars at illegal speeds. We drove in silence, letting the reality wash over us.

We bust through the doors of the locker room to see Scott, sitting in the dark with blood dripping down his neck.

"Scott, we got a big problem!" I shouted urgently, rushing over to him. Scott turned to me; his eyes looked distant and haunted.

"Trust me, I know..." He muttered.

"Scott, what happened?" I asked, checking out the gash on the back of his neck.

"Peter clawed my neck and I collapsed on the floor..." Scott bowed his head and stared at the floor.

"What else?" I demanded.

Scott sighed, "All these images flashed in my mind, about the Hale house fire and Peter recovering," Scott muttered, standing up and kicking one of the bins over.

"It must be some kind of memory thing..." Stiles wondered, absent minded playing with his fingers.

"Derek's with him..." Scott yelled suddenly and kicked the bin again, crushing it against the wall.

"What! Why!?"

"Some shit about killing Laura being an 'accident'!" Scott yelled, pummelling a locker till it bent. I ran up and grabbed Scott's shoulder and wrestled his arms to his side.

"Calm down!" I yelled, "We need to figure out our next move!"

Scott stopped thrashing and sunk down the lockers onto the floor. "What's next?" He muttered.

"Jackson..." Stiles explained, "We have to keep an eye on him, or he'll get himself killed."


"Good morning class!" Aphrodite squealed insufferably, "I hope everyone is having a good Thursday!"

The class muttered incoherently back. Aphrodite's beaming smile dimmed slightly but quickly grew back.

"Today's lesson will be focused on the tragic hero, as documented by Aristotle. Can anyone perhaps tell me what a tragic hero is?" Aphrodite looked around the sea of hands in the air. I groaned and slammed my head on my desk, anticipating Aphrodite's next call. "Percy? Do you know?"


"Could you tell me a trait of a tragic hero?"

"Probably not." I said, earning a laugh from the crowd. Aphrodite smiled politely and licked her lips.

"Well, a tragic hero is most often a morally good character, but is subject to human error, and can be led down a darker path due to a fatal flaw, often times this flaw is Hubris, or pride..." Aphrodite had a sad gleam in her eye before looking directly at me, "Or the hero could have a good trait that is turned into a flaw, such as loyalty."

I winced and Erica nudged me from my side. "You okay?" She whispered, brow furrowed with concern. I nodded silently and tried to ignore Aphrodite's words. Erica hesitated, as if she wanted to ask more. After a couple of minutes of more talking, Aphrodite told the class to answer the questions on the board before she clopped over to me in her high heels and sat on my desk again, gazing down at me through her designer glasses.

"Has Poseidon told you?" She asked under her breath. "About the search parties?"

"Yeah," I muttered, "I had a dream about them sending people to search in Florida?"

Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang