Chapter: 4

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Hanna's Point Of View:

 I followed up behind. It felt as if we will never reach where ever we were going. Every room passed by I kept hoping the next one would be it, but my hopes were doomed to an eternity as it wasn't. It was luxurious. I could only see houses like this on TV. Never in real life.

We finally got into a large spaced room with people shattered all around it's corners. I was suddenly cut off thought by the feeling of someone's hand intertwining mine. I looked beside me and saw Matt. "Um I hope you don't mind" he stuttered a bit as I assured him. We went and sat on a huge rounded couch next to one another. Our hands let go of each other at this point. But the feeling of him next to me sure did the job.

Everyone gathered up around and started talking and laughing. I stayed quite the whole time. I couldn't relate to anything they were saying, so I didn't bother to join their chit-chatting. The blonde girl I suppose was called Melissa, kept eying me up and down the whole time. Not in an admiring way, but in disgusted way. I fought the idea to go and slap the fuck out of her, but I kept my cool. Her gaze didn't stop even though I tried to make it obvious that she's hitting my nerves. What a stubborn piece she is.

Till now, nothing fun happened. They just kept talking about the same topics. Matt tried to include me in their conversation but I refused.

By this moment, I couldn't resist staying anymore, so I got up and decided to find a place that I could be with my thoughts only. I caught Matt looking at my sudden action but I ignored.

I walked into this beautifully set balcony that you'd only see in a Cinderella movie, I'm not even joking. The fence was perfectly decorated with Lavender flowers. The smell hazed me as I rested my arms above the fence. The moon was full today, so It made a perfect natural lighting. I took a brief breath and let it out. Felt as if everything inside of me came out at once and I was at a complete relief.

Matt's Point Of View:

I watched her as she suddenly got up and walked outside. She was unusually quite and calm since we came here. I don't know if I should go after her or if I should just let her take her time. She's only here to have fun, and she's not having any right now.

Hanna's Point Of View:

Footsteps approaching were interrupting my thoughts. I didn't hesitate before I immediately turned to see who it was. "hey" Matt chipperly said. Ignoring him I turned back my gaze at the view not giving it a single thought. "you keep telling me it's fine, but I know it's not" he blurted out "you always seem as if you're not here, not your mind. As if it's somewhere else. If i did anything wrong please speak Hanna. Don't leave me here wondering all the time whats wrong. I can't keep seeing you like this an-" I shut him up as I crashed my lips into his. I felt weak at my knees, my heart was pulsing faster to the touch of his lips. I needed to let my feelings out and I couldn't resist holding it back any longer.

Matt's Point Of View:

 Her lips where soft, I kissed her back but she pulled away immediately and looked down "I..I'm sorry" she stuttered. I held her face in my hands and stared deeply into her eyes "don't be" I quietly said as I pressed my lips against her's again.

Hanna's Point Of View:

 My heart was racing as fast as it could possibly get. I felt nervous, I wanted to kiss him but at the same time I was trying to forget about Cameron, you may think I'm a hypocrite, but I needed to let go of him. I'm just glad he felt the same way and didn't awkwardly pull off, that would've been a crush. We parted our lips but I was still one inch away from him. He looked at me admiringly "Let's go back, they must be waiting" I stoped him "no" I blurted out "I wanna hang out. Not here" I said "Let's go somewhere else, I hate this place" I added "Okay" he smiled.

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