Chapter: 5

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Cameron's Point Of View:

Trying to steer my head in the right direction, I couldn't get her memory off of my mind. I'm getting attached to someone whom I only seen for an hour. You may think: how can someone get attached so quickly? And honestly I'm asking myself the same question. I slid my fingers through my hair and rested my head back. The few moments I spent with her felt different, a good different. I'll find her. I wish she only promised me she won't let go and she would still wait for me. I sighed.

Hanna's Point Of View:

I promise. I suddenly blurted out as a whisper. "did you say something?" Matt looked down at me "" Why did I just say that? I was confused but i bounced the idea off of my mind. I only want to think of the person holding me right now.

I stared blankly at the sky with Matt's arm surrounding me. I dug my head deeper into his chest as I let out a sigh "do me?" I blurted out. I wasn't planning to say that but I said it anyways "I do" he said kissing my forehead. "do you?" he returned the question. I liked him but I was too shy to actually admit it. He suddenly started tickeling me "say it" "say..what" i almost cried. He laughed "say you like me, i know you do" by this moment he was ontop of me "or what?" I smirked "Is that a dare?" he looked deeply into my eyes. "i don't know" I teased. His hand suddenly found it's way up my blouse searching for it's way. I shook him off and quickly shot up "Let's go" I fougt the tears as I felt them pinch at the back of my eyes "what's wrong?" He said in a worried tone as he reached for me and tried to hold me. I pulled away before he could even touch my hands. "Just take me back".

Matt's Point Of View:

What was that? she was just laughing and now she's scared of me. I tried to hug her but she backed off.

Hanna's Point Of View:

I quickly ran and got up into his car and waited for him to come. When he got inside he tried to ask me what's wrong but i cut him off.

He didn't do anything wrong. The problem was me.


I woke up the next day feeling sore. Jenna on the other hand was strutting around in her heels searching for something. The voice of the clicking noise on the floor sure made my ears burn. I could tell she was going on a date from the way she was dressed up. But I don't care at this moment, I just need for this day to end up smoothly and I haven't even started it yet. I needed to keep my grades up. Or else I would'nt have gotten up my bed.

My phone started buzzing as I picked it up. The screen illuminated with the word: Matt. I struggled the idea of ignoring it. But he did nothing wrong.

"hey" I mumbled against the phone " hey" he stuttered "do you wanna like...go out or something?" I didn't want to. but I couldn't tell him that "um, I can't right now. I  have a lecture, after it maybe?" "oh sure. see you later" "bye" I let out a deep breath as I lifted myself and got dressed.

I looked around for the lecture hall. I was obviously late as I entered and everyone's gaze turned at me. I stood for a brief second to find a seat, but my eyes caught someone, I could tell they were staring at me. I shifted my gaze to meet theirs as my eyes landed on them. My breathing hitched in my throat. I bit my tounge feeling my mind scream. I was blunt at this moment. And I feel they did as well.

I shook my head as the professor called me. I noticed I was frozing for about a minute. I couldn't sit here, I had to go. I quickly turned back and ran out. I stopped in the middle of the hall. I must be imagining. I felt my heart, it was accelerating quickly as I tried to manage my breathing.

Someone from behind came out as well. "hey" I heared his voice, this could not be...

Cameron's Point Of View:

I just woke up and went to my first lecture, I wasn't thrilled by the thought of studying and just sitting while an old man kept talking and talking and talking, I rather shoot myself right now.

I got inside and found a seat, luckily. Not so much interesting people to chat with. I sighed.

15 minutes passed through and it felt as if it was an eternity. A girl suddenly came. She was la-

HANNA?! I screamed in my mind.

Hanna's Point Of View:

"Hanna" I truned around and felt numb. "c.." "cameron?" His name quietly escaped my lips. My palms were getting sweaty. The person I thoguht I would never see anymore was here, standing 10 feets away from me. Looking directly into my eyes. I felt weak. I felt vulenrable. I felt...feelings.

The person I thoguht I forgot and moved from, proved me wrong. I didn't let go. I was still attached to the thought of him. "Hey" he said warmly walking towards me. He reached me and smiled briefly. "I thought I'd never see you again" he stared admiringly into my eyes. Why is he doing this? He can't be.. he can't feel feelings for me. ...I'm in a relationship. Or wasn't? We never said it was official but we were going to.

I looked into his eyes. Those brown god send eyes. I could almost drown into them. The touch of his hands holding my arms made me sane, as I strongly fellt dread.

He suddenly leaned his head as if he wanted to say something in my ear. "Hanna?" I heared Matt mutter from far behind. I quickly shook my myself from Cameron's grib and turned to face Matt. Why did this just happen to me?

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