Chapter: 8

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Hanna's Point Of View:

I pulled him with me out. It was night, the place lit up as we walked out and into his car. I sat on the passenger seat "where do you want to go?" He asked getting in right after me "anywhere! lets go anywhere" I said pressing the side of my forehead against to the cold window glass and crossing my arms on my lap. I sighed with relief. I caught him glance at me every now and then. He wanted to say something but he kept silence focusing his gaze into the road ahead of him. I didn't know where we were going, but as long as we are not back there, I'm happy.

I was awaken by the voice of Cameron killing the engine and taking out his keys. I rose my head up to take a look at where we came. The view was mesmerizing as I jumped off his truck and walked towards the edge. It was a view of the city from the top of hill. It was...breath-taking "be careful you don't fall" Cameron joked around as I took few steps more to analyze the beauty of it all. "It's...beautiful" I mumbled amazed "I know...just like you are" I heard him say few steps away from me. I looked back at him and noticed his wounds. "I'm sorry for what happened back there I-" "don't be, it was worth it, as long as he never puts his hand on you again, I'm okay" I smiled foolishly. He laughed to me covering my face with my hands. I felt my cheeks burn. I washed it away and played cool walking to his car front getting up and settling where I laid my head back into the glass. I placed my eyes to the sky. The stars glimmered at me. I automatically smiled. He laid next to me "so.." he started. I tilted my head at him "so.." repeating the same thing he said. "what happens next?" "what do you mean?" "I mean like..Matt and that girl whom suddenly blew up on you" I tilted my head back "fuck them" I blankly said "I thought she was your roommate" "she is" I sighed "oh, aren't you both supposed to be..friends or something?" "I thought we were until she decided to bitch on my face" He didn't ask anything after that.

I drew near him and laid my head on his chest. He didn't hesitate before he wrapped his arm around me. This reminded me of the day I first kissed Matt then we went to this park where we sat down the same way. But this time was better. I felt more safe, more cared about.

I woke up on my dorm room with no sight of anyone. I remembered Cameron. Wait...was that a dream? If not how did I get here? I heard my phone buzz under my pillow ad I picked it up and saw I had one message. I opened it and it was him.


Good morning beautiful. You suddenly slept yesterday in my arm so I took you back immediately, you must've been tired. Get ready right now I'm taking you somewhere. Don't forget to wear a swim suit underneath, it's a surprise though. You'll find me waiting at the same spot my car was in yesterday.

The thought of sleeping in his arms soothed me.

I quickly shot myself up and got dressed into the only bikini I had. I didn't bother before I got into the shower. I got out and changed into the two pieces bikini and wore a short and a tank up above it slipping on a pair of sandals. I did not apply any amount of makeup. I felt no need too since we're probably going to a party by a pool? Wait.. A party this early? Woah...why did he tell me to wear a bikini this early then? I checked my watch and it was 9. My jaw dropped. Where are we going? But I got myself together and ran out.

I saw him sitting inside of his car, I ran up to him. His eyes fixed on me the moment I got closer. Until I got in he didn't take it away. "um hey" I awkwardly said smiling. He shook his head "oh hey, I just look beautiful" "thanks" he smiled at me "so where are we going?" "I said it was a surprise didn't I?" He said smirking "ugh. okay" I said laying my head back at the seat.

Ten minutes turned into twenty. Twenty turned to thirty. "Where the heck are you taking me?" I shot my head up. The road was now filled up with trees as we got closer, no signal of a human living anywhere "why can't you just stay still?" he laughed "I just, need to know" I pleaded.

We were suddenly met by a large house with a lake by it. My jaw dropped for the second time today. The trees basically shined as they surrounded the lake from the other side. Making the sun peek through at us causing them to glimmer with gold. Am I in heaven, or what? "Is this house yours?" "yeah" "holy mother of jesus" He laughed as I took few steps towards the crystal clear water. I may sound stupid, but it was litterally sparkling. I smiled uncontorlably. "wanna dive in?" Cameron suggested from my side taking off his shirt revealing those god given, heart thorppin', jaw droppin' abs. I stood staring for a brief moment. "oh why not" I shot up. He immediately ran up the wooden dock and jumped in causing the water to splash. I took my tank top and shorts off as well. I followed behind before suddenly stopping by the near end of the it "what's wrong?" "um.." I looked inside of the water and it was about ten billion feets deep. The dock wasn't high, it was perfectly few inches above the water but the lake it self was deep "come on! the water is warm" "it's.. too deep, I- I can't swim properly" I was so tempted to just risk my life and jump right away, maybe those few moments before I die would be a life time worthy. But I was too scared "come on" he swimmed his way back "I'm not letting you miss this" he stretched his arms for me flipping his wet hair off his face "wait.. how?" "get down, I'll hold you" "you won't let me go right? Cause I could die, because I swear if yo-" "I won't, I promise" he laughed. I immediatly sat down and slowly pushed myself towards him, he held me by the waist before half of my body was covered with water "oh my god" I placed the palms of my hands on his shoulders slowly sorrounding my legs around his waist, he roamed around. Locking my gaze at the view behind him I couldn't but not notice him looking at me "The view is..great" "yeah" I looked at him. His eyes were hazel under the sunlight, I couldn't look away, I basically drowned into them.

We just floated there, he looked at me admiringly and I kept silent. I could feel my heart beat fast right now. He didn't hesitate before brushing his lips against mine, sending a shiver down my spine. I closed my eyes and felt my stomach flutter with butterflies. My hair played as curtains covering the sides of my face as the kiss got more passionate.

"uh hey" someone suddenly blurted causing me to jump off Cameron's arm in shock. I sunk deep into the water, I couldn't open my eyes to see where am I. I'm going to die. But I immediatly felt a hand grab mine pulling me up. "oh my god" I struggled to breath "are you okay?" Cameron calmly said looking at me. Nodding the guy interrupted "uh shit I'm so so so sorry" I wanted to slap the nonsense out of him "uh he's my friend, he comes here...often" Cameron glared at him "well you told me I can" "whatever man, what you want?" "chill dude, I saw you two from inside and I just wanted to ask you since you're here and probably staying for the night if I can bring my girlfriend later? I can bring beer and stuff ya know. We could have a know the four off us" "you talk to much" "is that a yes?" "fuck you! yes it is a yes, now can you please go and let me have a time with my girl? jeez" "okay man, whatever" he walked back and vanished into the house "so, I'm your girl?" I smirked "will um uh.." I laughed "it's okay, it's my pleasure" I kissed him.

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