Chapter 2

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Venus Cove is a small town. A quiet town. And perfect town. I loved it here. But I wanted to move away from all of it. Especially its rain that seemed neverending. I pulled on the hood of my jacket as i walked to school in the rain.

I arrive right on time and I see the black hearse sitting in the school parking lot. Panic rises in me. A murder is in our school. Shes at our school. The day is pretty dry. Not in the sense of rain but just mere bordem.

At lunch I spot her. She looks even prettier with color. Her hair is dark dark brown on the top of her head and at the tips it gets light brown and blonde. She wears a snapback that shields her eyes mostly and the same varsiety jacket.

The girl leans against the wall. Her eyes on me. I shiver and sit down at my normal table with all of my friends. Ariana, Luis, Zayn, and Selena. They all watch me closely. I look around. Ariana, who was Camilas new girlfriend, doesnt seem sad. She looks happy actually.

"You okay Ari?" I ask breaking the ice cold silence.

She looks at me confused. "Yeah why wouldnt I?"

"Because of Camila..."

"Camila? I dont know anyone named Camila."

"Laur, you alright?" Selena asks placing a hand on mine.

"But Camila was your girlfriend. Small, skinny, wore cute bows and schoolgirl outfits."

Ariana laughed. "You know Im not bi. And besides, Im dating Zayn."

He hugged her tight, kissing her on her forehead.

"But Camila-"

"Lauren are you sick?" Selena asked worried.

I shook it off. "Yeah Im fine, sorry guys. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

With a final glance in the direction of the girl with wild hair, I stalked off. I peaked at my friends and they were looking right at the girl.

"Whyd Lauren look there?"

"Theres nothing there."

But if I looked back there she was. Maroon colored jacket with black sleeves. All curves. I made my way to the bathroom and checked my cell. Camilas number wasnt there. I felt for the friendship necklace she had given me to say sorry but that wasnt there either. If I checked my classes her name wasnt even on the sheet.

"Okay there?"

"Jesus!" I jumped, throwing the sheet in the air.

The girl from before was leaning against the door frame. Her eyes on mine through the mirror. I turned to face her. Eyeing her carefully.

"Who are you?"


For a few seconds she said nothing,

"Your hot going to ask my name?"

"Your Lauren Jauregui. Miya and Jims daughter. Miyas dead though and your dad is an author."

I stiffened at her lose use of the word dead. I hated thinking of her that way. Even though it was two years ago and Im 17. It still hurts. My mom was the only person who knew me. The only one who could comfort me. The only one i could talk to.

But I remembered. Dinah was a killer.

"I have to go." I mumbled.

When I exited the bathroom my stomach was turning. I went to the office and to,d them I was going home because I felt sick. More like I didnt want to be at school where a dead girl wasnt a real person but a figure of my imagination and yet I watched the new girl here kill her. Or at least the new girl that only I could see.

It was still pouring hard when I got out there and I walked down the road. Mumbling to myself until I heard the roaring. Then something slamed into me and a car rushed past us. Headlights and a horn.

Dinah tilted my chin up. We sat in the wet grass. My legs extended and hers, so much longer, intwined with mine. She was twisted more on her side and i sat on my butt. She had just saved my life from being hit by a car.

"You alright there?"

My voice wouldnt work so I nodded. "Yeah- yeah Im fine. Thanks."

She nodded, not convinced. "Better watch where your going next time."

Running to a Stand StillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon