Chapter 6

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When I get done from school I come home to Allys fried chicken and mashed potatoes. She gives me a weak smile and i sit down slowly. Her eyes have bags and her hair is barely brushed. I notice that she seems sadder.

Allys eyes latch to my throat where Dinahs pendant hangs. She moves forward and takes it into her tiny soft warm hands. Ever since I got out of school its been find. No pulsing, no glow. Ally looks up into my eyes.

"Lauren Jauregui, what on Gods good earth are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?"

She yanks on the chain. "Im talking about that deamon! Dinah Jane. Why are you hanging around with her!? Shes a murderer!"

"Tell me why?" I ask standing. A protective fiercness comes over me even though I dont trust the wild haired girl myself.

"Why? Why!?" Allys voice rises. She takes my hand and we move to the window. The rain is whipping around her curly locks of long hair. Dinah stands out by the Eden Manor. Her eyes looking up into the sky. Theres a bunch of lightning, a crash of thunder, and fire at her feet.

But instead of jumping back or screaming she grins and takes a sip of a bottle. Vodka. Then lights a cigarrette. The smoke filling the air. I watch as someone steps from the fire. A girl. And its Camila.

She still looks the same. Little school girl skirt, a collared shirt. Little hearts adorning the top with a bow tie. She wears a bow in her mess of a hair. Brown eyes big and curious like I remember.

Her eyes narrow at Dinah. She hisses and its not a human sound. Ally pulls me back. Her eyes are filled with worry. "To your room."

I race to my room but Ally follows. Boarding up my window and closing off the path to my secret roof getaway. I frown at her but she gives me a cold hard look. Leaving no room for protests.

Once shes gone though I slip downstairs and out the back door. Peering around from the backside of our house. Dinah is watching Camila closely. A faint deep purple hue surrounding her.

"Alright, Endarkened, what do you want?" Camila asks impatiently.

"For you to stop messing with Lauren."

"Ahh the Star's Child youve fallen deeply in love with?"

Dinah rolls her eyes. "That one. I can feel Hades disturbance from the school and i dont like it."

Camila grins. "You could make a trade."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"The spirits dont like the path your on. Niether does Hades. You might be an Angel but your a Dark Angel. Your not suposed to play nice."

"Oh please I smoke, I drink, I killed you-"

"But you have to. Like it or not a Dark Angels enternal punishment is killing the deamons from Hades. The one who made you what you are."


"Id say you best listen well, Alexanders Daughter, I will make you a deal. But you have three days, to tell her the truth. Three. Three to make her yours. And maybe we can bargin."

"Lauren cannot be won."

"You know what she is. Hades knows what she is. And he will pay a big price. If you want my help you have to prove you can get the job done."

Dinah looked over Camilas shoulder and straight into my eyes. A silent question. And I answered it. I stepped from my house and walked behind Camila. The tiny girl turning around to face me.

"Ahh, hello Star's Child. I must say its unforunet i never got the pleassure of marking you personally but if you cant beat them, join them."

"Whats this bargin?"

"Not yours to say missy." Camila smirks. Deamon.

Dinah steps forward. "I acce-"

"No." I state firmly.

Both of them turn to look at me.

"Lauren its okay-"

"No it isnt!" I shouted. "Your an evil angel who murdered this dead ghost! And now your barginning with it!?"

"Im a shadow." Camila corrects. "A deamon as its more widely known."

Dinah rolls her eyes. "She wont understand I will-"

"Dinah Jane!" I snap and grab her shirt. She looks surprised. "You so much as try to help and I will kill you. I dont need a babysitter."

"Im protecting you."


"Because I care. Because I love you."

I love you. The words that had always meant so much to me. That were always big leagues. I always thought when you said it you gave away a piece of your heart. And Dinah said it so openly. And she said it to me.

"You- you cant possibly-"

"I do." Dinah states simply. "Ive always loved you. And Im doing this for you."

Camila looks between us.

I glare at her. "Your not human. Stop playing games!"

Dinah turns to Camila. "I accept."

"And you have a lot of work to do." Camila laughs and then evaporates back into the fire.

When I turn to Dinah the rain has become a downpour. She looks at me and I cant help but feel her love. But that doesnt mean I loved her. I dragged her down to my level.

"Listen, Killer, I will always hate you. You killed an innocent life and now your making a joke of it. Its disguisting." I throw her backward but she doesnt stumble.

Dinahs fingers wrap around my wrist but I yank it back without turning around. That way it assures she wont see my tears.

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