Chapter 3

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After Dinah helped me up I began running. Anywhere to get away from her. Shed probably go to the Eden Manor. Hopefully I was not seeing a ghost that haunted that place. It was super creepy and Id want to go anywhere but there. It has one resident as far as anyone around knows and hes never been out of the house. Macon.

When I got to the woods, which ran along the backside of the neighborhood, I ran to my favorite spot. If you went deep and followed the creek line upward youd find a small waterfall. It has three different levels and the water cascades down each. Then has a small dump into a large pond.

The sound of rushing water nears and when I get there I find it overflooding with all the rain we've been having. The more important thing I find is Dinah. Shes sitting on the second level, soaking wet. Her feet as hanging off the edge, brushing the first level, and she leans against the water. It sprays around her and makes her hair dripping wet.

She looks over when I come. Probably because I snapped a twig. I can feel something boiling inside my pit. She makes me a little angry with her whole invisible act and her cool demeanor. I hate people like her. She seems like she cares about nothing.

"Well, look whos here." She says her voice dry. "Jauregui."

"Dinah." I say flattly.

She quirks her mouth to one side. Half a smile, half a smirk. "You okay there? Your a little wet."

I let out something between a laugh and a scoff. "Me? You should see yourself."

Her laughs echos around us. A pure sound thats like music to me. She really is beautiful.

"Fair enough. So what brings you to the woods?"

"This is my spot."

Dinah gives me her half smile half smirk and stands. "Well you might want to get a different spot while its raining."

She stands beside me and wraps her jacket around my shoulders. I want to remark that a wet jacket wont protect me from the rain but its warm and the opposite of wet when she hangs it on me.

"What are you?" I ask.

"Excuse me?"

"Youve been sitting in the rain wearing this jacket and its not wet. You seriously are invisible like some comic book super hero. And you murdered someone."

I cover my hand over my mouth. Too far.

Dinah doesnt seem to mind though. She just gives an evil grin. "What can I say? Im a bad girl." With a sly wink she pulls our a cigarrette and lights it, popping it in her mouth.

"What the hell? You murdered an innocent girl and now your sitting in the rain smoking a cigarrette that somehow manages to stay lit."

"Yes because I did murder her." Dinah admits.

"And thats exatly what you tell strangers."

"Your not running so..." She shrugs. "Besides, its not like youd understand."

"Understand the part where you murdered her? Or how everyone seems to act cool about it?"

"The part when you get your head out of your music and realise there never was a Camila Cabello."

"Thats a lie. I watched you from my roof. I saw the sword and everything."

Dinah smiles. And by smiles Im talking about her smirky smile. She reaches down and pulls out the sword. Stars scattered over the blade. The rain hits it hard. The metal smooth and looking perfectly unused.

I screach and back away. "Is this the part where you say no witnesses and kill me?"

She laughs again. "No. This is the part where you realise your insane. Your talking to a girl who no one else can see, smoking a cigarrette in the rain, who has a sword and murdered a girl who doesnt exsist."

Even I laugh at that. "So then what are you?"

Her deep brown eyes darken. "Im one of them."

"One of who?"

Dinah sheaths her sword and looks around. Right on cue i hear a twig snap. I look around but theres no one. I look back for her but shes gone. The air is still thick with her scent. She smells of sweet honeysuckle and smoke. I take a deep breath.

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