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*Dinah Janes point of view*

Her voice. Its raspy and clear. Its riddled with saddness undescribable. Its heart wrenching. I watch from the side of my own death bed. I want to go back to her. I want to so badly. And yet I feel something pulling at me. Holding me back. Because Inknow somewhere deep down in some form I dont want to.

But the moment the words are out of her mouth my descion is made. My eyes pop open. And then close once again. I saw green. Beautiful pure green. And her voice. And I needed more of it. With the remaining energy I had, my eyes opened once more.

Red. Blood red.

Green. Fading green.

A gun shot.

Thats what I saw. He murdered her. And before I could drift back in unconsiousness a tear slipped down my cheek and I heard not Zayns voice, but his.

"There are things worse that death."

And he was right. Love is worse than death. It will rip your heart to pieces. I couldve left. But now Im forced to stay. And remember everything. He knew what he was doing. And its a fate worse than death.

Love destroyed me.

Love saved me.

Love ran from me.

Love came back to me.

Love made me weak.

Love made me strong.

Love is the reason she is gone.

Love. It will beat you to death with words, stab you physically in the chest, and still be the best dam thing that ever happened to you. Because thats what it is. Its all those feelings that makes a human love a human.

Love freed me.

Running to a Stand StillWhere stories live. Discover now