Chapter 25

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A scream of blood lust is ripped from my throat. I move to tackle and break his neck but unforunetly Im beaten to it. Within seconds hes on the ground. Dinah catches herself with her arms and sweeps out a leg, kicking his from underneath him. Zayn falls to the ground with a groan and Dinah stands. Her eyes sweeping over his form.

She looks down at her own body. Frowning at the sword. "Ouch." She says but it sounds more of an annoyed tone than one of pain. She reaches behind herself and rips the sword from her back. Laughing as she did so, turning to Cassandra.

"Really? Using dads weapons against me? Idiots. Shouldve bought your own."

Cassandra furrows her brow in confussion. "How-"

"Its simple really." Dinah interrupts smoothly. "He didnt want me dead. He wanted me to suffer. One thing he taught me. There are things worse than death. And to be alive and tortured everyday without the relief of death is one. All his weapons were enchanted. They could harm me and draw blood but they couldnt kill."

Zayn jumps to his feet and moves in front of Cassandra. "Run love." He whispers.

Dinahs faster. She throws herself forward, tackling Zayn, letting the sword fall to the ground. I slowly pick it up with hesitence. Dinah looks at me.

"We have to go sweetie, he can hold her long enough for us to escape." Cassandra tells me grabbing my wrist. As if Id go with her still.

Theres nothing Dinah can do because that would let Zayn free. And I dont feel anything. There is nothing but happiness and sick evil glee when the blade goes into her chest. The exact spot it had been in Dinahs before.

"You bitch!" Cassandra screams.

I can only laugh. She falls to the floor and Zayn screams. Dinah kicks him in the balls and grabs my hand, pulling me into her. Its a kiss long overdue and Ive missed her. Its sad we have to break it apart for some staff members.

"Whats going on..." Says a blonde haired waitress descending the stairs walking into our room.

Dinah squeezes my hand and lights a cigarrette. "We were just leaving. Sorry its a mess." She apologizes. The girls mouth hangs open at the sight of my girlfriend with blood staining her chest. A stab wound evident.

We race outback where Dinah has a motorcycle parked. She hops on and throws me a helmet.

"Better hurry, Zayn will want revenge."

Im about to hop on when I remember. "Selena." I whisper.

Before I can think better of it I run back inside. Dinahs following me and we find Selena drunk at the bar. A guy with his hands on her waiste kissing her neck from behind. He has brown hair and yellow glowing eyes. Extremely tight black pants are the only thing he wears. His chest expoused with tatoos and muscles.

"Back off." I yell shoving him backward. I know exactly what hes doing. Stealing her emotions. I remember watching Dinah take Normanis. How she looked so turned on and yet so lost and hopeless. Selena looks confused though. Depressed and confussed.

"Who- who are you?" She quivers. "Whats going on?"

"Shhhh..." I say calmly trying not to panic. "Its okay Selena. Its me, Lauren. Im your best friend. I need you to come with us. We are going to take you home." Or a hospital. Whats the cure for memories stolen by Endarkened?

The guy laughs. "You must be new. Im James." He says sticking out his hand. "I can smell the death on you. Endarkened. Your one of us so why do you help her? Need a meal yourself? How about your pretty little girlfriend?"

Im waiting for Dinah to punch him but she has Selena in her arms and is far too preoccupied now to notice.

"Shut the hell up." I hiss. "You bastard."

"Woah there girly." He says with a chuckle. "Need a cigarrette or something? Your a train wreck."

Suddenly theres a cigarrette in his hand. Its tempting. It really is. Im not one to be like them but theres a need to release I wont be able to ignore much longer. Just as I reach out to take it a hand snatches it up and its on the ground. Crushed seconds later by a boot.

"We are leaving. Thanks dickhead." Dinahs voice is rough as she pulls me out of the bar.

"Laur." She says. Her voice isnt harsh or angry but concerned and it makes me melt. I was prepared for anger or for her to lash out but she holds me close instead. The night air is cold and hits my bare skinned arms hard. The only thing keeping me warm is an unnatural body heat from Dinah.

"Please. Dont ever take stuff from people. That cigarrette had stuff in it. Probably wouldve drugged you or clouded your head. I dont want anything happening to you."

I nod. "Im sorry."

She smiles and rubs my arm. "Lets go get Selena home. Dont worry I got her some vague memories back. Just some potions and stuff. Shes knocked out though and sleeping on my bike."

Laughter escapes my throat when I see Selena on the bike. Her head resting on the handles, her body flung onto the seat, her arms and legs dangling off the sides. Dinah and I take her home, me having to hold her on my lap.

After we climb out her window Dinah walks me home. Whistling in the night air. Once we get home she hugs me close.

"Thank you Laur."

"For what?" I ask actually confused.

"For everything. Especially for not being my sister."

I giggle and wrap my arms around her neck. "Why? What does that do for you?" I ask playing dumb.

She wraps her arms around my waist and gives me a long kiss. I almost cough on the smoke but I can still taste her lips. A mint evident in the taste. Rasberry and mint. I smile against her as we sit on the couch.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She replies. "And now we can rest. Now that theres nothing in the way, I want to spend some time with you. Okay?"

I peck her lips once more. "Okay."

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