Chapter 29

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His voice is cold and slick. I turn around to find the man who ruined everything. Zayn stands there, a gun in his hand, ready to kill someone. And Im not sure if its me or her he wants dead more.

Beside me I hear Dinahs heart rate slowing back down to that steady beating of nothingness. It means no change. It means no wake up. It means false hops. Something Ive had far too much for my liking so far.

"What the fuck you want?"

"Wake her up." He commands.


"Wake. Her. Up."

"Im sure as hell not gonna if you plan to just shoot her right after." I retort.

He grins. "Your going to wake her because you love her. Now do it."

"Its up to her." I say. My voice is steady and strong but inside I feel panic. He wants her alive. A fate worse than death. Dinahs voice echos in my head.

"But if theres one person she cares more than anything in the world about its you."

I lean over the bed and take her hand. If she comes back maybe we can beat him. Maybe we can win this. Or maybe it was game over from the beginning. Either way. With him, theres no way I can do this on my own.

"Dinah please. I'll do anything. Just wake up baby. I need you. Ive needed you more than anyone else in my life. People have hurt you. You want to give up and Im not sure why. You'll always have me. We can run away. We can live a happy life and get a family. If you'll only open your eyes and see."

Open your eyes and see...

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