Chapter 8

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Truth be told, I stuck to my word. I was waiting dor Ally in the morning. Sitting at the table nonchaluantly when she came down and nearly had a heart attack. Probably not because of me but because Dinah was leaning against the door frame. A small frown playing on her lips.

Ally grabbed a giant salad fork and pointed it at Dinah. "Get out."

"Im here to make sure you give Lauren the answers."

"Tell me the truth Ally. Why do I keep having nightmares about her?" I yell pointing to Dinah, rage plus no sleep fueling everything. "Why does she have scars? Who killed Miya!?"

That stung. Ally paled and then she narrowed her eyes. "Lauren Michelle-"


Dinahs voice cut through hers like a blade. And I remembered she had one on her. Ally was all up in her face. Waving the fork and shouting like a mad man. Or mad woman. A mad woman was deffinetly worse.

"You listen here. You take that god forsaken name outa here-"

"Along with my godforsaken blood?"

My bones chilled at Dinahs icy tone.

Ally froze. She wasnt capable of being very mean. Always a very gentle person. Even when she got mad. Dinah semed to know this. She took the fork and stabbed her arm, scraping the skin making her weirdly colored blood drip.

"Dont lie. You know who I am. You know who she is. You have to tell her."

For the first time Ally agrees with Dinah. She takes my hands and draws my moms name in the palm of my hands.

"Devils child speaks clear. Your moms death wasnt an accident. Alexander murdered her."

"Whos Alexander?" My blood fumed at his name and I wanted to kill him. My body hearned for spilled blood and it scared me.

"Your father. Your real father. Alexander Starr. A devil. Dark Angels. Deamons spawn. Shes one and so are you."

I nodded. Knowing in no way that I could escape this. I needed answers. And figuring out your mom was murdered by your father was a big surprise.

"Miya isnt your real mom. She had your current father, Jim, adopted you. Alexander and Cassandra Starr are your real parents. Miya knew too much and Alexander killed her. It wasnt an accident. He possessed her. Took hold of her will and she ran right off the edge of the cliff."

Dinah squeezes my hand. I swallow hard and lean into her. Not my real parents. Adopted. I was Stars Child. Starr.

"So then why the hell is all this happening?"

Ally looked confused. "What are you-"

"Dinahs here and apparently shes a huge evil threat-"

Her eyes narrowed. "She is. And you best stay away from her."

"You best tell me why." I said calmly.

"Because shes a Dark Angel! Exactly what Miya was trying to keep you from! They murder Shadows. Deamons! And Miya knew you wouldnt take it well. Youd want to be one of them and then youd get yourself killed. Or worse youd meet Alexander."

"What about Cassandra?" I asked.

"Alexander is the monster." Ally informed me. "He used to abuse his first born daughter. No one knew her name but she was a lengend. A perfect killer. Cassandra hated him for turning her daughter into that. So when you were born she ran and hid you. She is still in hiding today."

"Abuse." I repeated.

Dinah rubbed my back. "I think Lauren needs some sleep."

"No!" I shouted for fear of the night terrors.

She looked at Ally. "Can I stay with her? Just to ensure safety?"

Ally was reluctant but in the end Dinah won and she tucked me into bed. I wouldve slept except I didnt count on the special visitor.

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