Chapter 13

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I hear Normani snicker behind me and fire burns inside me. Did that girl really set this up? I will kill her. I will. Fuck Hades. I dont care who the hell she is. She dies. I step away from Normani and am about to start explaining when Lauren raises an eyebrow and smirks.

Shes not angry. In fact it looks as if she dressed for this. She wears a very short dress and some spiked heals. Her lips and rose red and around her eyes have been darkened to showcase the lovely shade of green. Her hair has been curled and styled half up half down.

For a second I feel my breath slip up. Lauren smirks and moves closer to me. I havnt even dressed up for this. My hair is in its usual mess of dark brown, light brown, and blonde tips. I have on ripped jean shorts and a crop top. Nothing fancy at all in fact.

"Dinah baby," Lauren coos. She sounds like shes drunk but I smell nothing. She hasnt been drinking at all.

"You okay Laur?"

She pouts. "No. Im not." She hooks a finger through my belt loop and pulls me to her. I try my hardest not to catch her eyes because Im still hungry. Sooner or later my instincts will win out and I cant risk hurting her.

"Why is that."

Lauren stands up higher and whispers in my ear. "Because you belong to me. Your lips belong to me. Your kisses. Your touch. And I dont want that slut having any of it."

I shiver and her words and she smiles. "Lauren you need to leave."

"Babysitting now are we?" Normani comes up and wraps an arm around my waiste. "Common D, let the girl have some fun."

"You know who she is. I dont want anything happening to my sister."

"Because you want to be her first eh?" Normani asks laughing.

I roll my eyes. "Your just jealous."

"Of Lauren?"


"Why would I be? Im Hells Flower." Normani says smoothly.

I pull myself away from Lauren and turn to face Normani completely. "Your just jealous that Id rather have her than you." I whisper. I begin to back her up again until she hits the wall. She smirks at me but her eyes dont catch mine. "Open those pretty little eyes." I say softly.

The words are too much and Normanis eyes finally find mine. And I see true fear. I see worry and I see evil. Evil in its purest form. I see her hopes and dreams and I drink them in. The eyes are the way to the soul. And thats wear you find the deepest emotions and desires. Those such things Endarkened live on, thrive on.

"Dinah." Normani whispers.

She wraps her arms around my neck and leans up. I smirk and capture her lips again. Its raw and means nothing. I bite down until I can taste her blood and she cries out. I dont soothe it. Instead I drink it up until I feel the evil taste exploud.

Then I feel Laurens cold hands run through my hair. "Dinah baby." She repeats. "Please!!!"

She whines like a four year old. I drop away from Normani. She leans against the wall breathless. I can see the impact I had. Her eyes shine with real fear. Loss and lonliness. Her eyes look empty again. I have to wait for her to go back out and do more things, gain back her emotions before I can shread them again.

Normani smirks at me. "Call me when your ready." She pushes herself off the wall and floates past Lauren and I. "Im soaking wet." She whispers with a bite on my ear before disappearing into the crowd.

Laurens fierce green eyes narrow and she takes my hand. "Common, we're going."

But I pull away. "Lauren this is who I am. This is how I was raised. Im not like you. You could live a perfect mundane life and not worry about this but I was brought up differently. I cant sit around and baby sit you all day. I dont need my little sister calling for me every ten minutes."

Instead of taking any offence or hurt she pulls me into her car and begins to drive. I feel my heart rate slowing. Thats what Endarkened need. They need to steal souls and crush hearts. Destroy dreams and take emotions. Its what I live to do. And what Ive needed for so long.

We get to Laurens house and she takes my hand and pulls me inside. Immediatly the door is locked and I am slammed into it. Lauren takes my lips roughly in hers and I feel the blood rush to my core. I feel alive.

From the first moment I heard about her I had to find her. I had to save her and protect her. I was actually looking for her for Alexander but screw him if he ever did anything for me. I needed to warn her.

When I found her I fell in love. I knew more and more about her and fell father every time. I fell in love with her eyes her hair her heart her soul. And it hurt. It hurts because for the first time in my life I care. She matters. And thats whats scary.

If I hurt her Id never forgive myself.

"Lauren stop." I whisper into her mouth and she pulls away slightly. Her eyes look for mine but I refuse to make eye contact.

"Dinah." She whispers. "Please."

"You know we are related. We cant do this Lauren! I could hurt you."

She grabs my chin and forces me to look into her eyes. I feel something. Something different from the usual beautiful and heart stopping emotions she makes me feel. Instead I feel fear and worry and anger all in one.

Inknow exactly what shes doing but I drown in another kiss by her. Drunk in her sweet taste.

Taste of alcohal on your lips,

Dying for your sweet kiss.

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