Behold the way of Turtles pt 1

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'Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!' A boy thought to himself as he rushed in the morning near noon to the beach as he runs through the city and it's people.

'Crap! I am going to be late and he won't train me!!' Said boy keep his legs running through the streets as people yelled at him for bumping into them or for just rushing through rush hour itself. Now what could be the reason why the boy was late for a meeting? Well...

Two hours earlier~

A boy woke up slight movement next to him, being to tired to really wake up since he believe his alarm can wake him up. Without him noticing the same boy was hitting a brown appendage with his fingers. This same appendage belong to a girl that was sleeping next to him but now was growing irritated. The whole hitting the tail thing was really getting on the girls skin as she couldn't handle that fact that she had slept so annoyed that when the alarm first beeped... she slammed it into pieces.

Izuku woke up due to the loud growling noise from the girls stomach. The boy looked to his side to meet Gine staring down on him. She was wearing some of Izuku's clothes such as a long dark green long sleeve and some white boxers. Though at first freaking out at how close the Sayian was near him. Izuku felt like his soul jumped out of his mouth as he screamed like girl.

"Izuku, can we have breakfast now?" Gine now holding down the boy as Izuku got his bearings and realized of how bright the room was. Without thinking to much about it the boy just got up and made Gine some food.

While the Sayian was eating slowly and savoring the delicious taste of his friends cooking, Izuku was preparing for his own breakfast before he looked at the microwave: 10:30.

With shock first being his emotion and how did he overslept as his alarm was loud enough to wake him up.

"Gine! I have to go somewhere I will be back later! There's food in the fridge if you feel hungry so go ahead and eat!" Izuku yelled as he was racing towards his room to change his clothes. After changing into his favorite dark green sweats was then he noticed the alarm.

Shattered into pieces, it was Gine... "crap I have to hurry!!" The boy said to himself as he changed into his top and ran out of the apartment leaving a dumbfounded Sayian as she continues to eat passionately.

At the beach~

Izuku finally arrived to see an elderly man and a turtle next to him.

The bald old man looked back at the boy taking his attention off the sea. "Ahh you made it... now are you ready to begin the training Izuku?"

"Yes...Ha...Ha...Master Roshi..." Izuku now trying to catch his breath but received a nod from Roshi.

"It looks like you warmed up but sorry lad we ain't skipping steps." The man reminded the boy.

"I did not plan on it...I am...ready." Izuku now had a determined expression meaning that he was aware and prepared.

"Alright then...turtle." Roshi changed his direction to the sea animal next to him. "Yes Master Roshi?" It responded back scaring the boy.

"W-W-What a talking turtle?! How can that be? Do you have some sort of intelligent quirk?" Izuku asked the brown animal. "Umm I just learned how to talk along the way and no I don't have a quirk friend." It politely responded back.

"The world is a mysterious place boy, maybe one day you can take the time and see it for your self." Master Roshi came into the conversation before returning back to the main subject.

"Now Izuku I need you to swim along with the turtle till we meet our destination." Roshi instructed as he stepped on top of the sea animal as it moved back into the water. "Yes Master!!" Izuku thoroughly eager and ready for the training sessions to begin... little did he know he wasn't prepared for what's next.

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