Chapter 1

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Jakes Pov
I shot up out of my sleep freaked out. I can't even remember why though. But I do know today is my first day of college.


I run down the stairs, out the door, and hop in the truck. Still shook from my dream.

P: Jake are you okay

J: yeah I had a weird dream that freaked me out.

P: what was it about

J: that's the thing I can almost always remember what I dreamt about but today I can't.

P: maybe you're just nervous.

J: I can't wait to see ***** I haven't seen him/her all summer.

P: I'm sure she/he misses you too

J: I'm gonna go to sleep.

P: okay

I go to sleep. Next thing you know we are walking up to my dorm room.

P: call me if you need anything okay

J: yes mom

P: tell ***** I said hi

J: okay mom

P: I love you

J: I love you too

P: bye sweetie

J: bye

*2 hours later*

I'm sitting on my bed waiting for my roommate.

About 10 minutes later he walks in

A: dude no way

J: this is so dope

A: bro we're roommates

J: I know right it's so cool

A: are you excited to see *****

J: duh he/she is my bestfriend

A: I'm gonna unpack. But I hear *****'s room is just down the hall.

J: well then I'm going there

A: I assumed.

I leave the room and head down the halls of school and wait for ***** to show up.

15 minutes later she/he shows up.

???: JAKEY?!

J: Riky (whaaaaat)

E: oh my god

Erika ran and jumped into my arms. She had her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, and her head on my shoulder.

E: I missed you so much

J: I missed you too

I put Erika down Just then my dream it hit me and it scared the sh*t out of me. I pulled Erika back into another tight hug.

E: Jake are you okay

J: yeah I just really really miss you

E: uh okay

J: random question, but has anyone in your family had cancer.

E: like years ago before my grandma was born.

J: so there's not a big chance of you having it.

E: uh no, Jake are you sure you're okay.

J: yeah I'm totally fine

Locked (Sequel to My Bully Jake Paul) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now