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I shut the door of my shitty apartment behind me, making sure to lock it even though I don't think anyone would want to break into a place like this. I shoved the keys into my back pocket as I ran down the few stairs, already late for work. I was lucky enough to get out of the opening shift, but if I'm late to these mid-day shifts I bet my boss will put me back onto early morning shifts since I'm usually up then because I don't sleep much, and then I sleep later in the day, which also explains why I just woke up from a nap and am now late for work.

I finally made it into the shop only to meet the pissed off gaze of my childhood friend, boss and fellow employee in who's position I was supposed to be in for the past fifteen minutes.

"Dan if you keep being late for these shifts I swear to God, you should be glad we're friends," He practically growls as he shoves the coffee shop's beige apron and baseball cap outfit into my hands.

"Yeah, sorry," I manage to mumble as I struggled to put the apron on over the cap and go to stand behind the register and scoff at what he said earlier, before he stormed out of the shop. "You should be glad we're friends," Yeah, if by friends he means that I'm practically the only one who's willing to work as his drug delivery boy. I guess I should be thankful for him though, since if it wasn't for him I'd probably be homeless, I pretty much owe him and some other "friends" at least 4 years of my life.

I saw no new customers coming in and the only person inside was some couple chatting and so I decided to go and water the plants since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one watering them here and I'm bored. I don't know why Jack gets so mad when there's barely anyone here anyways. I turn around to the sink to fill a measuring cup with water, since we don't even have a proper watering can or whatever here. I walked over to the few plants we had on the shelves that I could reach without having to stand on a chair and look like a fool in front of this couple and potential customers. Who's idea was it to hang plants from the ceiling anyways?

I hear the bell ring and turn around to see a tired looking girl walk towards the counter. I sprint behind the register so I'm there just as she looks up at me. "What can I get you?" I asked while pulling up one of my signature fake smiles.

A/N: have we caught up with our bois enough yet? Potentially

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