f o u r;

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"Thank you," I said, smiling at him briefly as I reached for the nice looking hot chocolate he just gave me. He looked back at me for a few seconds, before walking away again. He looked almost flustered? I couldn't tell properly thanks to the hat he had on. I sometimes question work uniforms. I get the apron, but why wear a baseball cap inside? I shrugged to myself, hoping no one just noticed I'm here alone, shrugging along to my thoughts.

I looked at the few bullet points I had noted down on my screen, feeling completely clueless as to how to connect them somehow to create at least an average story. I took another frustrated sip from the cup and noticed how little hot chocolate I have left. I sighed, laying my head down on the table in frustration. I let my eyes roam around the interior design of the coffee shop, it's a nice place, and the hot chocolate is actually really good. My eyes wandered towards the boy behind the cash register. He was looking down at his phone so maybe I could stare at him for a while without it being awkward. Am I creepy? Something about that boy makes me confused, like the way he was acting made me slightly intimidated by him, but something also makes me want to get to know him more. It's hard to really see his face, since he's looking down at his phone and that damn baseball cap.

Crap. He looked straight at me. I sat up properly and looked back at my laptop screen, leaning my head on my hand. Could I be more awkward? I looked down at the time, trying to forget my own awkwardness. I've been here for almost an hour. I sighed at the small amount of work I've done for the time I've been sitting here. It's like I keep having these ideas but not knowing how to continue them. It also seems like everything has been written already. Maybe I should just give up, try to work hard at my job and maybe there I'll be able to be somewhat successful. Who am I kidding, my job sucks.

I grabbed my cup of hot chocolate and drank the small amount of it I still had left. I put it down, the cup slamming onto the small plate a bit louder than I'd like, cringing slightly at the loud sound. I then gently pushed the now empty cup away from me. I pulled up a new tab, searching through google to maybe start my creativity going somehow.

As if on queue, a few seconds after I slid away the cup the boy with the beige cap was standing at my table, pointing at my cup.

"Can I take it away?" He asked, looking at me for an answer. This was the first time I could actually see into his eyes. I silently nodded, looking at him for what was probably longer than what's considered normal and he picked up the cup, turning around to walk away.

I opened up the word document with ideas and added a few more bullet points.

-black coffee eyes

-baseball caps

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