t w e l v e;

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I finally dragged myself to Jack's apartment and banged on his door relentlessly. No answer. Abnoxious doorbell time it is then. I began pressing the doorbell repeatedly and the annoying tones were able to be heard in the hallway.

The door finally creeked open and there stood Jack, looking like he just woke up and he smells like booze. Classic.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you changed the prices? Again?" I barged in and basically backed him up to the wall.

"Whoa, whoa, someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed," He raised his hands in front of him as if he was innocent.

"I wish, I woke up on a stranger's couch!" I basically yelled in his face. I closed the main door behind me harshly by kicking it.

"Well then, you should be thank-" He smiled sheepishly as if he didn't know what was going on.

"No, not like that!" I cut him off, feeling very angry at this point. He's used me for so long, always making fun of me getting hurt. I tolerated it, I did, but now it's just too much.
Okay, I need to calm down, this won't get me anywhere. I sighed and backed away from him slightly.

"Anyways, I quit, I'm not up for your little games anymore, this happened enough times already," I sighed, turning away from him and crossing my arms. I'll be able to manage on my own without him.

"Excuse me?" He arrogantly asked, causing me to turn my head towards him for what I hoped would be the last time.

"You heard me, I'm done with you and this whole business you're failing to run," I turned around and went for the door, my sassyness surprising me. I was feeling satisfied with myself, but then he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. 

"You can't just leave like that," He said, raising his voice, suddenly very angry. This is certainly not what I need right now.

"Uh, yeah I can, I already have another job I'll hopefully survive off of an-" I tried to keep calm as I yanked my hand away from him.

"You basically owe me your life, without me you'd probably be dead on the streets!" He rudely interrupted me and raised his free hand, as if to hit me, but I flinched away I somehow and managed to get through the door.

That went well.

Except not at all.

What did I just do?

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