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I can't sleep. I turned around onto my other side, pulling my duvet over my head. It's too early for this anyways. I threw the duvet off of me and went into the kitchen to make myself some tea. It was exactly 11:11pm. I smiled at the nice coincidence as I poured some water into the kettle to boil. After making sure the kettle was plugged in I went to search through the cupboard for some tea.

About 45 minutes passed and now I'm sitting on my couch, switching through random tabs on my laptop, an empty cup of tea on the coffee table in front of me. As I scrolled through Google and tips on how to fall asleep early, the thought of going on a walk dawned upon me. It's true that I've been locked in my apartment spell checking and sorting documents for my boss ever since I got back from that coffee shop, maybe all I need is a bit of fresh air.

It is now midnight and I am officially changed into jeans instead of my pyjama bottoms and pretty much ready to head out. I threw my jacket on and locked the door to my apartment behind me, before heading down the flight of stairs.

I made it out of my apartment and took in a breath of the night breeze. I'm planning on just walking a quick round around my neighborhood, nothing big.

I listened to the distant noises of the busy city which were surprisingly calming. I really had no other choice though since I left my phone and earphones in my apartment which probably arent the best things to not bring with you at a midnight walk, but what can you do. I was just a block or two away from my apartment anyways. People complain about the city being too loud and crowded, but I just find that kind of soothing. There's too much people going on with their own lives to bother with you. The only downside to this walk has been my ever growing migraine I've had starting a few seconds ago. I took a deep breath and continued on my way, looking forward to the time I get home.

I was slightly distracted by distant voices coming from just around the corner and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a bit intimidated by them.

"Shit, okay, run," I overhear the dialogue going on. Okay now in very concerned. I was about to turn the corner, but two guys ran past me, almost knocking me over. I turned around to look at them and assumed they were the voices, so the street should be empty, I let out a breath of relief and turned back around and continued around the corner. The anxiety returned though, when I noticed someone crouching on the ground, visibly in pain. Phil didn't want to look at him for too long and just speed walk away, but when he glanced at the wounded person he couldn't help but feel a sense of déja vu.

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