f i v e;

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My shift was about to end, the black haired boy has already left like two hours and a half ago. I finished washing two large cups and put them back in their places. I wiped my hands against my apron, leaving wet marks on it.

I checked my phone for the time, seeing one more minute left until I'm able to close this place up. I went into the back room of the shop, took off the goddamn baseball cap and apron and hanged them on the hook next to the other apron and cap. My phone buzzed in my back pocket so I reluctantly pulled it out to check the notification, sitting down on a crate that I assumed was filled with coffee.

Jack: yo stop by my place l8r

I read the message and rolled my eyes at it, before puting my phone back into my pocket. I exited the shop after I turned all the lights off and locked the main door, too lazy to clean the coffee machines or do anything that would help the person on the opening shift tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot that I'm the one that has the opening shift tomorrow. I sighed audibly, before making my way to Jack's apartment. Luckily for me, it's not too far away from my place.

About an hour later, due to getting stuck in traffic, I finally arrived at the apartment complex where Jack and a bunch if other people I knew lived. I stood by the main entrance of the familiar apartment complex, ringing the bell to Jack's place relentlessly. The door finally let out the annoying buzz sound as I pushed into the building. I ran up the few flights of stairs, loud music being heard on the hallways. I'm surprised no one is complaining.

I slowly opened the door to Jack's apartment, noticing a full blown party, drunk strangers and aquaintances crowding the living room and kitchen. I leaned against the door that I shut behind me and pulled out my phone.

My number:
I'm here, what the fuck

Yo meet me in the kitchen

I groaned, making my way towards the small kitchen. I'd much rather be in my shitty apartment.

I finally spotted him leaning against the counter, one of his hands around some girl's waist and his other hand clenching a bottle of alcohol. I rolled my eyes at the sight.

"What do you want?" I asked him as I made my way to his side, knowing he didn't invite me here just to hang out.

"Dan!" He exclaimed, letting go of the girl and turning to face me. "Come, have a drink," He said, visibly drunk as he shoved the bottle into my hands.

After a few drinks Jack eventually dragged me towards his bedroom when he seemed to remember something.

I leaned against the door frame to his room with my arms crossed as I watched him search through his closet. I knew he didn't invite me just to have fun. He eventually pulled out a bag which he threw onto his bed and then unzipped.

"I'll need you for a simple delivery,"

A/N: I'm sorry for the slow updates I swear in trying also over 100 reads already? Y'all are rad how and why y'all are great

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