Chapter Four;

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Courtney’s P.O.V

Michael and I were being spontaneous; we drove to a few places around the area. Now that we had purchased a car, we had more freedom to do as we pleased. We didn’t find anything interesting in particular for us to do, so we went to an ice-cream shop. We sat on a bench outside after purchasing our ice-creams, admiring the wind-less day.

“How’s your ice-cream?” Michael asked

“It’s wonderful, how’s yours?”

“Mine’s amazing; do you want to try some?” He asked, holding a spoonful of ice-cream out for me, which I gladly licked some off.

“It’s really good,” I said stealing a little bit more, it really was amazing.

“Hey!” He yelled jokingly, shooting me a mock glare.

“What you going to do about it, huh Clifford?” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“I’ll get you back later, you just wait!”

“Sure you will,” I said sarcastically.

We finished our ice-creams and headed back to our car, which Michael drove. We drove over to a walkway that headed to a park.

The walkway was mainly bush with a track. We continued to walk through it, we weren’t overly concerned as it wasn’t dark outside yet.

“Hmm, I love walking through the bush with you,” I said as Michael grabbed my hand.

“That’s cute,” He said, smiling down at me.

“You’re cute,” I replied, poking my tongue out at him.

“Every time!” he said, clearly annoyed that I would call him cute all the time. I burst out into a bunch of giggles, just thinking about how often I tease him about being ‘cute’. I mainly do it because I know it annoys him to no end.

“But I’m obviously handsome! Calling me cute is actually questioning the amount of manliness I still obtain. Puppies and babies are cute, and I can assure you that I am neither! Not to mention that I’m also the guy of your dreams, your one true love, the Jack to your Rose….” he stated, smiling as he pretended to get angry with me.

“Of course, I wouldn’t be dating you after three years if you weren’t,” I smiled, looking over at him.

“This is why I love you,” He replied, cheekily grinning at me.

“No, that’s only partly why you love me,” I said jokingly, poking my tongue out at him once again.

“Okay fine, it’s partly why I love you,”

“I love you too.”

We eventually reached the park and watched a group of people play touch rugby as we sat on the swings, swinging slowly. After a while we grew tired of the park and walked back to the car. Michael drove back to Luke’s house, which was surprisingly empty. Luke had left a note, which read ‘Gone to a party, be back tomorrow sometime’.

“Damn, I didn’t actually know that guy had a social life,” Michael said, jokingly.

“Babeeee, can we play more Xbox?” He asked, pulling me into a hug.

“Sure thing, chicken wing.” I replied hugging him back, and soon letting go.

Michael and I then went to the room the Xbox was in and began playing a two player game.

“Hah! Revenge for the ice-cream thing!” Michael said as he completely annihilated my character.

“Hey! Not fair,” I exclaimed while watching Michael’s character absolutely destroy mine.

“It’s fair.”

“You suck,”

“You love me,”

“Sadly,” I said, nudging him.

I put down my controller and grabbed his hand, pulling his arm to slump over my shoulder. I nuzzled into him as he continued playing that stupid, stupid game.

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