Chapter Eleven;

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Isabella’s P.O.V

I heard my phone ringing next to me as I was tapping away on my laptop, in my bedroom. I picked up the phone and checked the caller ID, noticing the caller wasn’t listed in my contacts.

“Hello…?” I answered, sounding unsure. Not many people had my new number, both Ashton and I changed our numbers when we moved here.

“Isabella? Hey, it’s Calum.” Calum replied. I hadn’t met Calum myself, but I knew Michael, Courtney and Luke were friends with him so I was vaguely aware of who he was. It was odd that he would be ringing me though, I’m guessing that he had gotten my number from one of the other three.

“Hey Calum! What’s up?” I asked, sounding curious as expected.

“I think you need to come to the hospital, Isabella,”

“What’s happened?” I asked, my heart beginning to beat faster.

“Well, it’s been two weeks since Michael came out of the induced coma and into the other coma or whatever, but I’m really worried for the state of Courtney. You need to be here,” He stated urgently.

“Okay, I will be there soon.” I replied, standing up. I began pacing around my room, changing out of my pyjamas.

“See you shortly, Isabella,”

“See ya, thanks for calling me.” I said, hanging up the phone and tossing it onto my bed.

“Ashhhhton,” I called loudly while quickly applying some light makeup to my face.

“Yes?” He yelled back from the other side of our house.

“Can you please give me a lift?” I yelled back, walking into the hallway and then into the lounge.

“Where to Belle?” He asked, quieter this time as he was jogging down the stairs and. meeting me in the lounge

 “Hospital, please,” I asked, smiling at my older brother.

“Yeah, alright, let’s go.” He said while grabbing his keys off of the coffee table.

We headed to the hospital, and the closer we got, the more nervous I felt.

“Do you want me to come in?” Ashton asked

“Yes please.” I said opening the car door.

Ashton and I walked to the ward, and then the room.

“Isabella you’re here, nice to finally meet you in person,” A boy, who I assumed to be Calum said

“Yeah, it’s nice, Calum right?”

“That’s me,”

“So what’s up with Courtney?” I asked trying to remember the details from the phone call

“Well,” He said leading the way into the room, Ashton trailing behind me

“She’s been staring into space for ages, as long as I’ve been here. I came at about 9 this morning and she hasn’t moved or responded, she keeps listening to the same song over and over, and it seems really out of character,”

“It doesn’t seem right.”

I walked over to Courtney and sat next to her; pausing the music on her phone

“Courts, it’s Belle, you okay?”


“Talk about it,”

“What’s there to say,” she said, continuing to stair aimlessly, emotionless

“I don’t know, anything,”

“Okay, how are you and Luke?”

“Lovely, I can’t thank you and Michael enough for setting us up,” she cringed when I said Michael

“It’s fine, glad to hear you’re going great,”

I turned to face Calum and I shrugged, not knowing what else to say. Ashton sighed and took my place.

“Courtney, do you want to talk about Michael?” Ashton said

“I don’t really know,” she said

“I think you should, do you remember when we had lunch together?”

“Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?”

“It doesn’t, I was just asking if you remember, because it wasn’t like this then, and it’s going to be like that again, promise,”

“It’s just so hard,” she said, tears forming

“I know it is, and I can’t imagine how you feel,”

“He might not wake up,” she said, coming out of her trance and facing Ashton

“Michael would never leave you,” Calum said

“He’s going to wake up,” Ashton said

“But there is a chance that he won’t and reassurance isn’t reassuring,” she said, Ashton bringing her into an embrace.

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