Chapter Twelve;

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Courtney's P.O.V

"Why are you even still here?" I asked Calum realising it was past visiting hours

"You don't mind if I stay the night? My girlfriend told me not to come home,"

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend?" I said suddenly shocked

"Yeah, her name is Alysia, she's amazing, but she just texted me and told me not to come home,"

"Why though?"

"I don't really know, I told her I was here and she has a girlfriend over or something,"

"Oh okay, yeah, I guess you can stay," I said heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Calum got some blankets and a load of pillows and set himself a small bed on the floor.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life," A man I couldn't recognise said

"Electric word life, it means forever and that's a mighty long time but I'm here to tell you, there's something else... the after world. A world of never ending happiness, you can always see the sun, day, or night," he continued

"What's going on?" I tried to say but it was barely a whisper

"That's where Michael is, the after world,"

It took that line for me to realise where I was. This was a funeral. I was wearing all black, everyone was wearing all black, there was a coffin, and open casket and there he lay. Michael was lifeless in the coffin. My eyes started welling up.

"Michael's mother Karen has some words to say," the man said

As speeches ran past from his mum, his dad, Luke and even Calum, I knew they were going to expect me to say something.

"Michael's girlfriend Courtney has prepared something for us all," the man said, I stood up and walked over to the podium.

"I haven't actually prepared anything, and there's not a lot I can say, but I love Michael, and I will until the day I die, but I have to be honest; I don't really know what's going on, like why am I here? I don't remember Michael passing? I'm so confused and I'm sorry if I'm completely ruining this whole thing with my awful speech, but my mind is so blank." I said

I walked over to the coffin and looked at him, his eyes closed, his hair brushed into the perfect position, his casual suit clinging to his body.

I started shaking. I couldn't understand what was going on. I walked back over to my seat where Calum gave me a hug

"Your speech wasn't that bad," He said

"It was awful," I said breaking down into more tears

"Can you please explain to me what's happened?" I said, again in a barely audible way.

"What's going on?" I attempted to scream, but again, nothing.

I suddenly woke up, panting and shaking. It was just a dream. I sat up and grabbed Calum's arm shaking him

"Jesus Courtney," He said looking up

"Oh shit you had a nightmare didn't you," he said as I nodded

He pulled me into a hug and said what he could before helping me stand up and walking me over to Michael's bed to try calm me down the way he had the previous time on the phone.

When I was calm we walked back over to the couch, and Calum got back on the floor.

"What was the dream about?"

"I was at Michael's funeral, and it wasn't really what I usually have as a chronic nightmare but it was awful,"

"I'm sorry,"

"I don't know what I would do without him," I said

"I don't know what to say,"

"Calum, he was my first, my first everything. First kiss, first date, first time, first love and if he's my first heartbreak I wouldn't know what to do because that means there is room for a second everything, and I don't think I will ever be ready for that."

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