Chapter Seven;

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Courtney’s P.O.V

We had just got home, and I had invited Luke and Isabella over to our place after the zoo. We were going to have a FIFA tournament.

“I’m going to the dairy to buy some milk, does anyone want me to get anything?” Michael said as he picked up his keys from the coffee table.

“No thanks,” Isabella called

“No, I’m good,” Luke said

“What about you?” Michael asked me, pulling me into a warm hug

“I’m alright, thanks,” I said, holding him close and enjoying the close contact between us.

“I’ll be back in 10 okay? Love you,” he said

“Love you too,” I called out to him as he walked out the door.

I walked over to the lounge and sat down on the couch. I watched Isabella and Luke play FIFA, they were both pretty good, but I wouldn’t say it was an equal match. Luke had obviously played a lot more than Isabella had.

“Take that!” Luke shouted, as he won the game with a score of 5-4. He stood up and lifted his shirt up while running around the room, victory style.

“Rematch,” Isabella yelled, while laughing at his behaviour.

“Only if you give me your number.” Luke said with a wink, and sat down on the couch beside Isabella again.

Isabella raised an eyebrow and wrote it down for him, setting up a new game. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked it.

“Hello?” I answered.


“Calum? Why are you calling me?”

“I bumped into Michael at the dairy-,”

“Calum why can I hear sirens? What’s going on?”

“Courtney, I’m going to say this fast, Michael got into his car and backed out of his car park, and this person was speeding so damn fast and smashed straight into the front of the car,”

“Calum you’re kidding me right? Please tell me this is some kind of cruel joke?” I said and tears began to prick at my eyes, I could myself on the verge of breaking down.

“He’s being put into an ambulance now; do you want me to pick you up?” He offered, sounding like a mess himself.

I could barely muster a yes as a waterfall of tears began to flow from my eyes

“I’m coming to pick you up, be there in about 5,” Calum said before hanging up.

“Courtney what happened? Are you okay?” Isabella said when she took her eyes away from the screen, after hearing the phone call end.

I just shook my head and ignored her, and ran to the bathroom. The only thing running through my mind was ‘please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead’.

I walked back out into the lounge after splashing some water on my face, to calm me down.

“Michael was in a car crash. Im sorry but I’m going to have to ask you guys to leave,” I said.

 Saying the words seemed surreal, but Luke and Isabella got up off the couch. They each gave me a tight hug and headed out of the house. Luke drove himself here before we went to the zoo, so they had a way home. I picked up my phone and waited for Calum to arrive.

When he pulled into the driveway, I got into his car and he drove to the hospital. He didn’t bother making small talk, he knew that I didn’t want to talk.

When we had parked, I quickly jumped out and ran to the main entrance. Calum was right behind me.

“Hi, we are here to see Michael Clifford?” Calum said to the nurse, once we had reached the counter.

“Sorry, only immediate family are able to see him,” the lady said, not bothering to look up from what she was writing down.

“Look, this is his girlfriend. They moved here from Sydney about a month ago, he doesn’t have immediate family in Adelaide. Just let her in, please,”

“Immediate family only,” The lady pushed, resisting us once more.

“Fucking hell! Just let me see him! I am the closest thing he has to family!” I yelled at the lady. I was sick of her bullshit, now was definitely not the time to piss me off.

“Room 205, ward 2,” She finally said, not wanting to cause a disaster.

“Thanks.” Calum said harshly, pulling me away from the nurse.

Calum led the way to the ward, where he stood outside of the room.

“Do you want me to wait for you?” he asked me, his eyes filled with concern.

I nodded as I opened the door and walked in the room. I softly closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. I walked further into the room and there he lay. A paler than pale Michael. I screamed his name and fell to my knees, letting the sobs escape my mouth. There were bandages on his head, there were cables connected to him, and a machine that beeped every time his heart made a beat. A doctor walked into the room and I stood up.

“Courtney is it?” He asked me, helping me up.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I said, trying to avoid looking at Michael.

“Michael is in an induced coma to reduce the metabolic rate of brain tissue, as well as the cerebral blood flow. With these reductions, the blood vessels in the brain narrow, decreasing the amount of space occupied by the brain,”

“Why?” I asked him.

“The hope is that, with the swelling relieved, the pressure decreases and some or all brain damage may be averted,” He further explained.

“Is it really that bad? Is he going to wake up?” I questioned, starting to panic again.

“When we think he is at a general state, we will remove the barbiturates, and he will slowly wake up,”

“How long could that take?” I asked, trying to understand what was going on

“At least two weeks,” The doctor replied, calmly.

I covered my face with my hand, taking some deep breaths.

“You’re more than welcome to stay here Courtney, that couch turns into a bed,” He offered, attempting to give me a comforting smile.

“Thank you,” I told him, just wanting to get away from that room.

I walked out of the room and walked over to Calum, who pulled me into a friendly hug.

“Do you think you could take me back to my place, and then bring me back here please?” I asked him, my voice muffled by his t-shirt. 

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