Chapter Ten;

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Courtney’s P.O.V

A few days ago, a doctor came and informed me that ‘people who aren’t immediate family can now visit’. This news made me feel a lot less confined and restricted, and I was glad that other people in Michael’s life could now visit him.

Isabella and Luke came to visit, but they didn’t just visit seperately. They visited as a couple. They stayed for a few hours, before they decided they were going to head to the beach or the markets.

But today was a good day. Yesterday, the doctors removed the barbiturates which means Michael should be somewhat awake today; well at least that was what I thought.

This was all before now, but I was told I had to leave the room and wait in the waiting room, so I did. When I was told I could return, the doctors just looked at me sympathetically. This caused my anxiousness to increase and my palms began to sweat. I don’t know if I could handle any more bad news, all I wanted was Michael back.

“We have good news and bad news,” one of them informed me.

“Please just tell me the good news and then the bad,” I said, not wanting to get myself hopeful of anything too soon.

“He came out of the induced coma, which is the good news. However, before you get excited, this is the bad news. There has been a blood flow issue that has pushed him into a different type of coma, one that only he can wake from himself, it’s not up to us anymore,”

It felt like my world had stopped. My eyes filled with tears, tears that were uncontrollably falling down my cheeks. I went back into the room where I sat on the edge of his bed. I reached for Michael’s hand and clutched it tightly in mine, holding it close to my heart.

“Wake up Michael, wake up. Wake up please,” I kept repeating over and over, but there was never a response. I wasn’t exactly expecting one, it was more my hope that now kept me going. If I lost Michael, im sure I would lose myself in the process. A world without Michael was a world without colour, sunshine, happiness and peace. Michael was my rock, and if my world no longer had a stabilizer, where would that leave me? I couldn’t imagine a future, or even my life without Michael. No matter how sad or tragic this sounded, it was the truth and I definitely was not afraid of it.

My phone rang, abruptly interrupting my thoughts, and I answered quickly.

“Hi?,” I answered.

“Hey Courtney! How’s Michael? Has he woken up yet?” I recognised the voice to be Calum’s, instantly calming me down.

“They got him out of the induced coma but something happened with his blood flow or something and it put him into an actual coma and now only he can power waking up,” I answered, cringing slightly as I repeated the news.

“Oh my god,”

“Calum, I’m so scared, I don’t know what to do.”

“He’s Michael, alright? He won’t just leave you, he loves you so much,”

“Thanks Cal,”

“Other than asking how he was doing, I was actually going to ask if I could come and visit.”

“Yeah, sure,”

“Thanks. See you soon.”

He hung up and I continued to sit on the edge of Michael’s bed, looking at how peaceful he seemed.

“Long time no see,” Calum said quietly, as he walked into the room.

“Hey,” I murmured, as he gave me a small hug

“How can you even stay here, like, isn’t it hard to comprehend?” He questioned, letting me go.

“Yeah, but I’d never leave his side,” I answered, crossing my arms across my chest as I remained sitting on the bed.

“You really love him, don’t you?” He commented, while walking around the side of Michael’s bed.

“I really do. I just want him to wake up, that’s all.” I said, as tears began to slowly roll down my cheeks again.

“Sorry, that I’m a complete wreck,” I apologised, wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my jumper. One thing this room definitely needed, was more tissue boxes. Especially if I was going to be spending a few more days in here.

“No, it’s totally fine.” he said, giving me a small smile.

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