Chapter Nine;

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Isabella’s P.O.V

Luke and I were getting along extremely well. We hadn’t known each other that long, but you could definitely tell that we were quickly approaching a ‘more than friends’ level. We hadn’t made anything official yet. In fact, we never spoke about it.

After last week’s incident with Michael while we were at his and Courtney’s, Luke drove me to his house instead of home, where we continued our FIFA tournament. The more games that he won, the more his top came off, so I was of course letting him win more than I should have.

I had been calling Courtney to check on her every lunch time, and I could tell she really appreciated it. She even told me people who weren’t immediate family were going to be able to visit within the next week. I had told her that I would go, considering she was staying in a hospital room with a boyfriend who has become a vegetable for the time being.

Luke and I had been out for coffee together a few times. I even suggested that we go to the beach and watch the sunset, considering the last time I went I had to watch people be couples. It was really cool to be that couple for once.

I had told Ashton about the current relationship situation between Luke and I. Truthfully, I thought he would be mad. Considering he was my older brother and he has been taking care of me for the past two years, I thought he was going to threaten to kill him. Luckily and surprisingly, he did not. He was happy for me, maybe even more, and that made me happy.

Luke and I were acting like the teenagers in movies, there was no doubt about it. We we’re doing the whole ‘no, you hang up first’ episode during all of our phone calls. Our calls went on until we both went to sleep, and we were greeted with good morning texts when we woke up. Luke was always doing the ‘are you cold? Here have my jumper’ move on me, which usually resulted in me laughing at his actions. They were all completely cliché things, yet truly adorable when you were a part of it.

Despite being the happiest I’d ever been, there was still a feeling of sadness and emptiness that constantly filled my body.

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