Chapter Twenty One;

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Isabella’s P.O.V

I felt like complete crap and I didn’t understand why I felt so sick. I hadn’t eaten anything bad and I haven’t been around anyone who had the flu or anything else.

I was now curled up on the couch under a blanket, while Luke was in the kitchen.

“Here you go babe,” Luke said handing me a cup of chicken noodle soup.

I nodded as a thank you since I didn’t feel like talking. Luke turned on the TV and sat down next to me, placing his arm around me. We started watching The Lion King, which was showing on one of the movie channels. I took a sip of the soup, which tasted wonderful. I snuggled closer into Luke.

“Belle, you should take a bath, maybe read some of that book that’s sitting on your bedside cabinet,” Luke spoke up, when the movie was over.

“What will you do?” I asked.

“Well, I’d totally be in the bath with you,” He winked, laughing.

“Luke, oh my god, I’m sick,” I lightly hit his leg.

“I’m kidding; I’ll just watch some T.V or something,”

“You don’t have to stay here, Luke,” I said, sitting up.

“I will stay here, you’re sick and I’ll look after you,”

“Luke, you can leave if you want to,”

“But I don’t want to, Belle. I will go and run you a bath,” Luke said stand up and heading over to the downstairs bathroom. I heard the water rush from the tap, and sighed.

I stood up and took my bowl that had contained my soup into the kitchen. I placed it in the sink, before going back into the lounge and sitting on the couch again. I pulled the blanket over me and snuggled into the cushions. Luke walked out from the bathroom, the room filling with steam behind him.

“Baby, would you like me to get your book and pyjamas from upstairs for you?” Luke asked, standing in front of the couch.

“Yes please,” I mumbled. I felt cold, sick and exhausted. It was honestly amazing having Luke here looking after me, he was being a great help.

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” He smiled at me before walking up the stairs.


My bath definitely made me a feel a lot better. My nose wasn’t blocked anymore and the aching in my head had stopped. I wrapped the towel around my body and dried myself off, changing into my pyjamas. I opened the bathroom door and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

I placed the towel in my laundry hamper, along with my clothes from earlier. I then put my book on one of the bedside tables. Luke was laying in my bed, tapping away on his phone.

“Are you feeling any better?” Luke asked, looking up.

“A bit, yeah,” I said, slipping under the covers with him.

It was only 4 in the afternoon, and I could’ve easily believed that it was 7 at night. Luke pulled me closer to him and held me in his arms, kissing my forehead.

“What movie should I put on? Or do you want to read that book?” Luke asked me.

“A movie, you pick,” I said.

He let go of me and left the room, to raid Ashton’s movie collection. Ashton had an impressive collection of films, you name it and he probably had it. A few minutes later Luke returned, bringing back ‘Anchor Man’. He had told me it was one of his favourite movies many times and that I had to see it. When he’d found out that I hadn’t, it was almost as though I’d insulted him. He slid the disc into the DVD player and gave me the remote.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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