Third Wizarding War

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Heat rose into my cheeks as I watched Tom snog his girlfriend for the cameras. My frown deepened as they laughed together and held to each other as if saving each other from drowning. Jade tried to kiss Tom's cheek but he turned and kissed her again on the lips. My stomach tightened once again.

I had not noticed how long I was staring until Tom caught my eye and rose an eyebrow at me. I flushed a deeper red and swung around, grabbing the boys hands in the process.

Rupert gave me a mildly amused expression whilst Daniel looked confused. 

"Please, I need to win," I growled at them underneath my breath. They had no idea what I was speaking of but that was okay, I could always count on them to have my back; and this thought made me tear up. They shrugged and looped my arm underneath theirs, patting my hand lightly.

"Oh, so you're using us now, are you?" Rupert asked me quietly. Daniel let out a laugh.

"I don't think this is the first time she's done that."

"Oh shut up you insufferable pricks," I grinned. The pair of them guffawed and continued smiling for the cameras.

"Don't smile so big, Dan, we wouldn't want to be struck down by your dazzling smile." We all turned our heads to see Tom and Jade next to us. 

It took a lot more work to keep my smile on my face as I stared at Jade, who looked absolutely magnificent in her gown. 

"Hello, Jade," The three of us chorused in unison. She smiled at us shyly.

"Lovely evening, Daniel, Rupert..Emma?"

I gave her a faux warm nod and hugged her.

Tom looked at me in complete surprise.

Bet you didn't see this coming, Felton. I thought smugly and returned to my place between Daniel and Rupert. 

Soon it was time to go in and watch the movie, I felt my heart break a little with every step into the theater. 

I felt someone grab my hand and looked for the source of warmth only to find Jade holding my hand gently. I looked from our entwined hands to her now scowling face.

"Won't you be a dear and stay away from Tom? Do that for me?" 

I yanked my hand away and looked at her in a composed manner.

"Are you afraid if we speak he might leave you for me?" I snapped back. Her eyed grew wide.

"You don't want to start a war with me, Watson. I am capable of so many things." She hissed.

"Oh do please tell me what Jade Olivia is able to do other than stare at herself in the mirror and apply makeup to cover the hideous facade she has on." I growled back.

She opened her mouth to retort but Daniel caught me by the elbow.

"Ready, then, Emma? Oh, hello again Jade," 

I turned to see a sickeningly sweet smile on Jade's face.

"Hello, Daniel! Well I must be finding dear dear Tom, excuse me." She smiled at the pair of us and shot me a sort of threatening smile as she exited, searching for her honey bear. I snorted. 

"What was going on?" asked Rupert walking in, looking confused as to why I was clenching my fists.

"I think the third Wizarding War has just began, Rup and there's a new villain out to get me." I scowled before following them into the darkened theater.

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