What We Could Have Been

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The cold wind that passed through my window gently caressed my face as I sat with a notebook in my lap. The black night was decorated with glistening stars that jolted me to those recurring memories of that one night.

I propped my feet onto the window sill and leaned my head back, allowing, just this once, to let the memories flood into my mind.

I smiled to myself as I sat up quickly and flung my notebook open.

It has been a year since that night and it was no use to dwell on the past or what could have been different.

All I could do, was write and reminisce about what we could have been.

And with that final thought, I signed my name onto the last page of the story, tucking it into a box of memories that should never be opened again.

Forever and Always,


What We Could Have Been (Feltson)Where stories live. Discover now