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"It was crazy, Sejin" the girl sighed, staring at the white ceiling of her best friend's bedroom, her arms raised above her head to articulate wildly as she recalled the story of the murderer in her house. The boy who was laying next to her, his head turned to her, had a worried expression painted on his handsome face. "He was standing over his corpse, but somehow he didn't seem that threatening." The girl furrowed her brows, pausing. "He seemed to just want to tease me-" 

She heard shuffling next to her and the next second Sejin was leaning over her, his big eyes shining with concern. "What did you say he said was his name again?" he murmured, absentmindedly tracing her cheekbone with one finger. Nami stared at him silently for a second. "Jeon Jungkook. That's what he said" she whispered, careful not to distract the boy. Sejin hummed softly, meeting her eyes again. "Ever heard of him?" 

Yes, my father talked about how scared he was of him with my mother during the night. Nami shook her head, lying wordlessly to her best friend. But it seemed to calm him a little. Sejin finally laid down next to her again, carefully taking Nami's right hand in his and kissing the knuckles. "I wish you could stay over at my house for the time being, so I can keep you safe. Or that I could finally finish school and join the police. I worry about you too much" he whispered against her skin and Nami smiled softly. 

"Damn, you'd be the perfect boyfriend... Why aren't we dating?" she laughed softly, turning her head to look at Sejin again. He also turned his head, grinning as well. "Because you friend zoned me. You know I tried" he replied with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, right" Nami giggled, the soft sounds quickly turning into a roaring laugh as Sejin started tickling her. 


"The devil wants his money back" a hushed voice from the kitchen speaks, the older woman sitting in complete darkness at the table, only the glowing numbers on the microwave casting small green beams into the room. Her hair was disheveled, a direct cause of her frantic hands carding through it again and again. "I'm scared, Jisung. He has sent two snakes already, I don't think he'll warn me again. Next time I won't find a python in my bed, but him personally when he comes to slaughter me." Her breathing quickened, but as the other person on the line spoke, she relaxed a little again. 

"A way out? Y-yes, but-" the woman sounded hesitant, as she weighed her options again. "I-I don't think I can give him what he wants" she finally responded, the metallic voice once again mumbling into her ear. "He wants her" she finally replied. "He wants my little girl to pay off my debts." Silence on her part, insistent mumbling on the other line. "Y-yes... Of course, I want to live, but...  A-alright, I will give him what he desires." The words sounded final, no hesitation left, when she spoke. 

Nami was confused with what she heard from the staircase. She was just looking for a glass of water, so she could go back to sleep but now she was not so sure if she could sleep at all. When the screech of the kitchen chair on the tiles resounded in the silence, Nami was quick to creep back to her room, closing the door behind her without a sound and staring at the dark wall in fear and confusion. Her mother couldn't have spoken about her, could she? She would never use her as a way to repay debts, would she? 

By the time that Sejin picked her up for their weekly dinner date, she had forgotten all about the conversation that she had accidentally overheard the night before. How could she even think about it, when Sejin was so nice, making her laugh the whole evening and letting her do whatever she wanted. 

"Why not come back home with me?" Sejin whined, holding Nami's hand as she was about to open the door to her house. "We had so much fun today!" The girl chuckled, turning around to her best friend. "Sounds great, but not today. I have the house to myself and can finally run around naked again" she joked. Sejin made a weird face at that, wiggling with his eyebrows. "Nevermind my house, can I stay at yours?" he asked, but Nami just laughed, opening the door and closing the door in his face with one last 'good night, Sejinnie'. 

Nami sighed when the door fell in its lock behind her and sluggishly walked up the stairs to her room, not bothering to turn on any lights on her way. She knew the house like the back of her hand anyway, so why bother? Back in her room, she hit the light switch and instantly walked to her closet, discarding her shirt and grabbing for her nightgown. "What a cute little boyfriend you have there" a voice spoke, breaking the silence that lied on the whole house. "He only wishes he was my boyfriend" Nami replied sleepily. 

It took her a few seconds until she remembered that she should be alone in the house and she quickly turned around, the fabric of her nightgown pressed against her chest. There he was, this Jeon Jungkook, laying on her bed, his hands folded behind his head and a big grin on his lips. "What are you doing in my house!" Nami screeched, her heart thumping against her ribcage in panic. The mystery man calmly sat up, stretching his limbs as if he had been relaxing on her bed for a long time already and maybe he actually had. 

"I came to inform you-" he started, sighing in content as one joint cracked, "that you have to pack your bags because I will take you with me tomorrow" he ended his sentence. Suddenly the phone call came back to Nami's mind and she gulped. "N-no" she denied weakly, trying to seem brave in front of the man. Jungkook stood up at that, walking over to her with quick strides and gripped her jaw in his hands firmly, but not strong enough to really hurt her. 

"It's your choice, sweetheart. You can come with me tomorrow, or you will be an orphan tomorrow and you can bury your little boyfriend in addition to your mom" he said sweetly, letting her head go as soon as he finished his sentence. Tears sprang to Nami's eyes when he stepped back. Her situation was hopeless. Jungkook smirked when he saw it. "I'll pick you up at 8, okay sweetheart?" Nami sniffled softly. "Yes."

Hello, my lovely readers! I hope you liked this chapter today! What do you think of Sejin? I didn't give him an fc on purpose because I'm curious who you imagine for him. Personally, I imagine him as Chan from Stray kids, don't ask me why xD Who do you imagine? That's all for today, guys! I hope you have an amazing morning/day/evening/night! Love you!

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