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Jungkook's lips were rough and warm against her trembling ones. He was dominant even in a simple kiss, demanding entrance to Nami's mouth which she granted immediately. She was just too exhausted from her panic attack to fight back. The slow rhythm of their mouths against each other's lips slowly brought her back to reality and as soon as Jungkook noticed that she had calmed down, he broke the kiss, creating distance between himself and the girl. 

He looked positively mad when his eyes found her wide open ones. His eyes were dark with an unknown emotion, his jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed. "You could've just slapped me to snap me out of it" Nami whispered hesitantly, as she touched her red and swollen lips lightly with the pads of her fingers. 

"Why would I damage such a pretty face?" Jungkook replied with a rough voice that didn't sound quite as inviting as it sounded normally when he complimented her. Nami found herself at a loss for words, just swallowing pitifully and staying silent.  "We're going home" he declared when he noticed that he would not get a response back from the girl. At that, she lifted her head, looking at the man in front of her with a mixture of denial and insecurity. "Why so early?" 

"Because you almost fainted on me just a minute ago. Don't tell me you're not exhausted and uncomfortable in this setting" he argued, fixing her with a hard stare that dared her to disagree with him. Once again Nami didn't know what to say and just stayed silent. "Thought so. Now let's go to the car, please." His voice was a little more gentle, as he put his hand on the small of her back and started guiding her through the masses of people. 

They were stopped a few times by old men that wanted to greet Jungkook and although Jungkook was smiling politely at every single one of them, Nami could see how he grew more and more annoyed by the clenching of his jaw. Finally, he managed to lead the girl out into the fresh air and to where their ride stood. The driver was sitting on the driver's seat, scrolling through his Instagram feed on his phone and Jungkook huffed in mild annoyance before he banged on the roof of the car two times. 

The poor guy jumped in surprise, hitting his head on the ceiling of the car and looked frightful out of the window. As he realized who just disrupted his off time, he quickly scrambled to unlock the door and jump out of the car. The man looked so frightened, Nami thought he would fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness, but instead, he just bowed really low. "I'm sorry Sir! I thought you were gonna be gone for at least another hour!" the man basically screamed at his own feet as he didn't dare lift his head. 

"Just drive us home" Jungkook only mumbled, opening the door for Nami and him himself, although the driver scrambled to do it for him. "Uhm, okay. I will drive immediately, Sir" he hastily mumbled, getting into the driver's seat again. The drive was silent, not even the radio was turned on. The silence was suffocating to Nami, who broke it after only minutes of staring out of the window, watching the sleeping city rush by. 

"Are you mad at me?" she asked Jungkook with a small voice, eyeing him out of the corner of her eye. He was staring at his watch, not even looking up when she asked him that question. "No." That was all he said and Nami bit her tongue to not retort something stupid to that and make him even angrier than he looked now. So she just remained silent for the rest of the drive. 

Inside the penthouse, Jungkook firstly started loosening his tie and walked to the alcohol cabinet. "Since I have time on my hands now, I will run some errands today" he addressed the girl, who just stood there forlorn in the middle of the room. "So you're leaving?" she whispered. She didn't even dare imagine what kind of errands he could still be running at this hour in the night. 

The man nodded, leaning against the kitchen counter with his glass in his hand. Nami breathed deeply to brace herself for the words she was about to speak. "I don't want to be alone in this big apartment tonight" she murmured, shuffling closer to the male who still stood by the counter. "I know I did badly today, but please don't leave?" It almost felt like a punishment that he would leave her now when she didn't feel well. 

Her feet carried her to him automatically and a second later he was standing before him, looking at him with hopeful eyes. "I have to leave, princess" Jungkook said with a soft voice, watching with a quirk of his lips as a pout began to form on her lips. "I'm really sorry, but if you are scared of staying alone I will ask Jimin and Taehyung to keep you company. How does that sound, sweet girl?" His hands came up to rest on her head and gently card itself through her locks. 

Nami was a little confused how good this simple action felt all of a sudden and how much she craved it from him. "Shall I call them, baby girl?" his voice grew a little more demanding when she failed to answer him. His hand gripped her hair a little tighter and made her look up at him, while still being gentle enough not to hurt her. A small 'yes' flowed from her lips and he smiled again. "Very good girl" he kissed her forehead faintly and then he walked past her and to the door. 

"Be good while I'm gone" and then he disappeared into the elevator. When Jimin and Tae walked into the penthouse, they were met with a bundle of blankets on the couch that looked close to crying from being alone in the dark for 5 minutes. Taehyung groaned as soon as he laid eyes on her but his lips were slightly turned upwards at the corner in amusement. "I can't believe that Jungkookie really called us to deal with her headspace now" he muttered, but Jimin just threw a nasty look in his direction. 

"Come here, sweetness. You gotta get dressed in your PJs and get all ready for bed. We're gonna watch a movie, how does that sound?" 

Uh, I did a thing? The mature themes are slowly being hinted at (or maybe not hinted and it's pretty obvious) Anyway! I hope you enjoyed that chapter and stay tuned for more! I'll try to update faster next time. 

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