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It didn't take long after that until Jimin came back, whistling as he saw Jungkook and Nami standing there. Nami immediately blushed, not even looking the silver-haired male, unlike Jungkook who stared at Jimin with furrowed brows. "It seems like you forgot to give her the bra to the set you so generously picked out for her" he informed the shorter male, who just chuckled. 

"No, I didn't forget any clothing" he chuckled. Jungkook's eyebrows raised at that and even Nami risked a glance in his direction at that news. "Oh? Then we definitely need to take that home" he mumbled, rubbing the fabric between two fingers absentmindedly. "Go get dressed again, princess. We're done for today" he informed the girl and he didn't have to tell her twice before the girl fled back to the safe haven that was the dressing room. 

When she reemerged, the two males were already waiting for her and Jimin went to pay the articles that Jungkook chose to buy. In uncomfortable silence, they walked back to the car. Nami just didn't know what to say, if she was being honest. The whole day was pretty surreal and exhausting to the girl, although it was barely afternoon. When she thought about the lunch she missed, her stomach started to growl at once and Jungkook turned to her curiously. Another furious blush spread on her cheeks. 

"We missed lunch, as soon as we're home I'll order something for us" he informed the girl who simply nodded. Soon enough Jimin came back and it was time to drive back. Jungkook had the chauffeur bring all the bags up to the penthouse, damning the poor guy to make a lot of trips before the whole trunk was unloaded. "I'll order something up for you, I have to go somewhere in a few" Jungkook announced as soon as Nami stepped foot in the penthouse. 

"Where are you going?" the girl immediately asked him, looking after him worriedly, as he disappeared into his own room. To be completely honest she didn't feel good about him leaving. He made her uncomfortable, that was true, but being alone seemed even scarier. "You don't want to know, sweetheart" he answered with a smirk, as he came out of his room wearing a grey hoodie. He looked like a whole different person without his tailored suits and perfectly styled hair. 

"And when are you coming back?" she tried again, deciding not to pry on his whereabouts any longer. "Don't wait up for me, food will be here in about fifteen minutes. I hope you like steak and red wine" he mumbled, then he disappeared into the elevator. Nami sat in the quiet penthouse in silence, not really sure what to do with herself now. For the first time since she came into this mess, she thought about her best friend at home. Has he noticed that she was gone? Was he concerned? Suddenly she missed him terribly. 

She had no way of contacting him, to at least let him know she was safe because Jungkook took her phone away and bought her a new one, so she had no connection to her old life whatsoever. After eating what was brought up to her, Nami had nothing else to do but roam the penthouse a little, but only the parts she was allowed to enter because she feared Jungkook could come home any second. When even that became boring, she decided to get ready for bed in one of the silky gowns that they bought today and watch TV in the lounge. 

It was well after midnight and Nami was already passed out on the couch when Jungkook finally stumbled back into the penthouse. The loud bang of the chair he ran into caused the girl on the couch to wake up, but her protest died in her throat when she saw the very drunk and very bloody man in the kitchen. His hoodie was stained a dark crimson and so were his hands and face, when he touched it with his hands. 

The girl watched with wide eyes as he pulled open a cabinet and took out a little, foiled packet out of what looked like a cookie jar. His movements were sloppy as he stumbled to the dining table and poured the white powder from the packet on the wooden surface. He made a fine line out of it with his credit card, before he swooped down and snorted it all up. A very loud sexual sounding moan left his lips as the drugs seemed to kick in and he threw his head back, eyes closed. 

Nami watched all that happen like a deer caught in headlights but squeaked in horror as his eyes suddenly found hers as if he knew she was there all along. He took slow calculated steps toward her, a happy grin on his face, for reasons she did not know. The closer he came, the farther she tried to back away, but it was fruitless because soon he had her caged against the far end of the couch. 

"Am I scaring you, my pretty little princess?" he asked with a dark voice, his eyes big and black and completely focused on her. "Are you scared of a little blood? Or maybe it is the thought of who it could belong to and how it was spilled that scares you?" he thought aloud, a bright grin splitting his face at his words. Nami didn't say a single word, just watched his every move carefully. "Maybe you are scared of the possibility that it could happen to you" he finally ended, pressing closer to the frozen girl. 

Suddenly his gaze became almost predator-like and his hand moved up to almost adoringly trace her whole face and make it bloody in the process as well. His hand touched her whole face, before settling on her lips, his thumb parting her lips softly, gaze totally transfixed on them. Nami could taste the metal of someone else's blood on her tongue, but she somehow found herself not to care, when she looked into Jungkook's eyes that seemed to resemble a night sky to her. 

"You have nothing to fear of that sort, my sweet innocent lamb. There are different ways I'm planning to wreck you" he whispered. 

*insert two eyes emoji* What do y'all think? Too gory? 

Silk ropes and gun powder [j.jk ff.]Where stories live. Discover now