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Jungkook never said a word about what happened that night and Nami was too shaken up and scared to bring it up either. They just coexisted in his penthouse, going on as if nothing ever happened. As if he never voiced out his desires, as if she never tasted the blood of another person on her tongue.

Nami was just lounging on the cream sofa, drinking a glass of orange juice, when Jungkook sat down next to her, buttoning his white dress shirt, his tie hanging around his neck carelessly. "We're going out tonight" he announced with finality in his voice. Nami sat up straighter at that, a little anxious. "Where are we going?" she asked softly.

"There is a charity event my father wishes for me to attend and I'm taking you with me, princess" Jungkook explained calmly, his dark eyes boring into hers. "Is that a problem?" The girl couldn't hold his gaze, lowering her head to her hands and fidgeting with the hem of her gown a little. "No, there is no problem" she muttered softly.

"Good, be ready by 8. I have already picked out your dress and laid it on your bed" the man said and left for his study. Nami quickly picked the remote from the coffee table and pulled up the time on the huge TV.  She cursed lowly as she saw, that it was already 6 and she still had to shower, wash her hair and shave as well. Needless to say, she was hurrying to the bathroom in a flash.

When Nami was done and covered with a towel, she finally laid eyes on the dress that Jungkook had picked out for her. The dress was a light grey material, decorated with stars and glitter and Nami just prayed it wasn't as transparent on her body as it looked on the sheets. When it was finally on her body after she had done her makeup, Nami had to admit the boy had excellent taste and knew exactly what would look good on her.

The dress cascaded down her body like a glittering waterfall of stars, making her look almost unreal. It was still very sheer, but knowing Jungkook's taste it was still very harmless to the other stuff he had bought her. A sudden knock on the door forced her out of her daydream and she turned to the door. "We're leaving in 20 minutes" Jungkook announced through the doors, leaving the girl to hurry to finish her make-up.

Twenty minutes later and Nami was done with her look, but thoughtfully staring at a little clutch that she had thrown on her bed. Would she even need a handbag? What would she take with her? She surely didn't need to bring her purse, but her mobile phone maybe...? But what would she do with it, she was supposed to be on a charity event, not some lousy house party. 

After another two minutes, Jungkook let himself into her room and stood next to her with his arms crossed over his chest and a dark and annoyed look in his eyes. "Didn't we say we're leaving in 20 minutes?" he muttered lowly right next to her ear and the girl jumped, locking eyes with him the next second. 

"I-I'm sorry! I was debating whether or not to take a bag with me..." she trailed off, realizing how stupid this sounded and looked to the floor. "You don't need anything tonight but my company" Jungkook assured her with a deep voice and tilted her chin up with one hand, so she would look at him again. "You look beautiful today, by the way" he whispered with a small smile, then he led her out of the lobby and to the limousine that was waiting for them outside. 

Finally inside, Nami allowed herself to admire the man in front of her a little. Jungkook was wearing a dark suit tailored perfectly to his body with a jacket with embroidery that matched her dress. His hair was parted to show his forehead and his eyes were sharp and his lips rosy. He looked every part the arrogant millionaire that he was. 

When we exit the limo, there will be paparazzi waiting for us, taking photos. Don't leave my side, don't stop walking and don't answer them, okay?" At the mention of so many people taking photos and watching them, Nami got goosebumps and her heart rate sped up. She hated being the center of attention, but with a man like Jungkook by her side, it would be unavoidable for the night. She tried to mentally get ready for what was to come, but she was not prepared for the flashes of white that blinded her the second the limousine doors were opened. 

Jungkook seemed unbothered and immediately got out, but Nami sat there like a deer in headlights, feeling dizzy from the onslaught of camera flashes and the roar of the people outside. Jungkook must've noticed that the girl was overwhelmed and helped her out of the car, keeping one hand securely around her waist and holding her close. "You'll be fine" he muttered to the scared girl, quickly guiding her inside. The disappointed yells of "Mr. Jeon, is that your girlfriend? Mr. Jeon only one photo for the headline! Who is the girl?" he paid no mind. 

Inside was even worse. From the moment they entered, all eyes seemed to zero in on Jungkook and her, looking at Nami like a trophy that Jungkook won rather than a person and with every businessman walking up to them and chatting with the man by her side, her breathing grew heavier, until she felt like she was suffocating. 

Jungkook did not notice at all, too busy chit chatting with old men in awful suits and trash talking them under his breath when they left. Meanwhile, the room around Nami was spinning and she began hyperventilating. In a desperate attempt of being noticed, she tugged at Jungkook's sleeve and finally, he turned around to her, noticing her quick breathing and the panic in her eyes immediately. 

His eyes widened noticeably and he quickly walked her to the balcony, where she could get fresh air, but her panic attack didn't seem to get any better. She was only clutching at his shirt now, her eyes zeroed in on him, but he doubted she could actually see him. "Hey, hey. You're alright. You're safe" he muttered over and over, scared she might simply faint on him. 

"I-I" Nami stuttered between huge gulps of air, tears welling up in her eyes and something in Jungkook's brain short-circuited. He just wanted to shock her out of it, bring her back to reality and the only way he could think of was by forcefully pressing his lips against hers. That certainly brought her back to reality. 

I updated woop! This is unedited and it's late, so please excuse any mistakes. I'm also sorry it took me so long to finally update, I'm trying to find a good writing schedule again ^^ As always, if you liked this chapter please comment and vote. Your comments seriously make my day, it's my favorite part about being a writer! Love you guys, see you soon!
(also please check out the latest chapter in my book "the cotton candy journal" i have a very important question for you there and would appreciate if you would help me out)

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