e l e v e n

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The next morning, when Nami woke up, Jungkook was not in the bed with her anymore. She got up with confusion written all over her face and walked downstairs into the kitchen. There was no sign of Jungkook anywhere and she furrowed her brows when she noticed a small note lying on the dining table. Someone, assuming Jungkook, had left her a note for when she woke up. "Have to meet up with my father today, will come late, so don't wait up for me. If you want to leave the building, take either Jimin or Tae with you. You are NOT allowed to leave without any protection" she read aloud because the silence was too eery for her. On the back, he had written two telephone numbers. 

She sighed, throwing the paper back on the table. He had given her a brand new phone in the first few days of her staying with him, of course, monitored in some way she couldn't understand. She contemplated actually calling someone while she made herself a bowl of cereal, the only thing she could count on would always be in the kitchen. "What would I even do if I called them right now?" she mumbled to herself, staring at the piece of paper. "Maybe stock the fridge..." 

She sighed but got up, walking up the stairs to get changed. "Honestly, how does he survive" she mumbled to herself again, as she came down the stairs, fully dressed. She took her phone, the piece of paper and Jungkook's black limitless credit card that he allowed her to use whenever she wanted. Then she dialed the first of the two numbers carefully, putting the phone to her ear. 

It only rung a few times, before a cheery Jimin answered the phone, somehow already knowing it was Nami who called. "How can I be of assistance today, m'lady?" he giggled into the receiver and Nami smiled a little. "Mr. Mafia only survives on Lucky charms cereals and banana milk and I am not having that. We're going grocery shopping today, are you in?" 

"Hold on, I'm just putting on my shoes" Nami could hear rustling on the other side of the phone, then a thump, cursing and Jimin had hung up. She smiled to herself, putting all the things she needed into a handbag Jungkook had bought her on that massive shopping trip and put on her shoes. She disliked wearing all the fancy stuff he had bought her, feeling a lot more comfortable in normal sweats and a tee, but all the sweats she now owned were Gucci or another extremely expensive brand. 

A minute later the elevator opened and Jimin smiled at her. Today he had his silver hair casually hanging into his eyes, locks a little wavy and he too was only dressed in sweats and a tee-shirt, although it too looked very expensive. "Ready?" he asked with a friendly expression, his hand still on the button that keeps the elevator doors open. Nami nodded and joined him in the elevator, leaning against the wall. 

"So, the kid really has nothing but banana milk and lucky charms in his kitchen?" Jimin asked after a few seconds, a smirk spreading on his face. "If you don't count the alcohol and cocaine" Nami replied bitterly and Jimin grimaced. "So you found out? Damn, I thought he'd contain himself in front of you for a little longer" he mumbled while exiting the building, a hand on her shoulder to guide her. 

"Do you know why he, you know-" she asked Jimin when they got into the vehicle that parked in front. Jimin produced the keys from out of nowhere and opened the door for her, before walking around the hood and sitting down in the driver's seat. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you, because I know you know that Jungkook killed your father. Jungkook can get pretty...immersed in what he does for his corporation." His eyes drummed on the steering wheel as he sought for the right words. "It's kind of like the bloodlust of a shark? He uses cocaine to ground himself, kinda..." 

Nami was silent after that, turning this new information over in her head during the whole car ride. "Ready, sweetness?" Jimin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she nodded. While he got a kart, Nami wandered inside already, straight to the fruits section. 


They stayed out for the remainder of the day, going out to eat and then an art gallery, where they met Hoseok, a good friend of Jimin's who, as she later found out, provided the drugs Jungkook sniffed when he was feeling violent. It was shocking to even imagine that the sunny boy she had met was involved in such a business. "Oh, we gotta talk and hang out again, Nomnom" he had exclaimed excitedly when they left again, hugging her a little too strongly and a little too long, but it was endearing and Nami found herself looking forward to meeting the energetic man again. 

When Nami came back into the penthouse, Jungkook was already sitting at the dining table, hair wet and clothes also damp, although it was apparent that he had changed. He was drinking banana milk and staring holes into her, as she finally noticed him sitting there, the bag of groceries in her hands forgotten. "You're home early" she muttered, fidgeting from one foot to the other until she saw the white powdery substance dusted over the table like flour. Of course, it wasn't flour. 

"Next time you go out, I would appreciate a text that you're out at least, babygirl" he spoke calmly and stood up, walking over to her and taking the bags out of her hands. He placed them next to the fridge and suddenly picked her up as if she didn't weigh anything at all. Nami squealed in surprise but was quickly silenced with his lips on hers. After the initial shock, she kissed back, only vaguely registering that he had pushed her against the wall to make out with her. 

When he finally pulled away, both their lips red and swollen from the kissing, he looked at her calmly. "So and now you'll tell me what you did wrong, princess" he whispered, voice cold. Nami looked at him in confusion. "What do you-" He didn't even let her finish her question. In his eyes swam cold fury, as he let her down rather roughly. 

"Never ever let me take advantage of you again when I'm high."

I am so sorry for the non-existent updates guys! I just have a lot lot lot to do right now and I can't really spend as much time on wattpad as I would like to :< But I will still try, you guys are important to me. Once again, really sorry for the late update, love you guys!

Also, I was thinking of making an instagram account purely for my wattpad. I could give you guys more sneak peeks there, let you know of updates or changes and also do polls to include you more in my work. What do you guys think about that? Would you follow it? (we could also talk in dms, I'd like to get to know you guys better)

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