Shards of Glinting Glass

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She was broken.
Cracks lined her face,
Cracks that couldn't be fixed.
Drop her once, she shattered.
She dropped herself too many times.
Sometimes it was hard to put herself back together.

She wrote books.
Her escape, for a while.
Until they stopped being escapes and turned into traps.
All the pressure.

She told friends.
Only one understood.
She didn't deserve them,
So she stopped sharing her problems.

She read books.
They took her to places far away,
Until they got darker, and she cried.

She tried poetry.
It didn't work.

She stopped trying.

Now she's gone.
An empty shell,
With the face of someone who used to be someone to someone.
An empty smile,
Empty laugh.
She's gone,
And everyone knows.
They don't need to ask,
They only need look to see that she's gone,
And they can't get her back.
Pale face,
Thin hair,
Tear stained cheeks,
Dull grey eyes.
So she sits broken, like shards of glinting glass.

So i wrote this like three months ago and completely forgot to publish it? So... Have some shitty poetry as a sorry gift for not updating in so long.

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