Girls Of Their Worlds (Girl Of Stars Part III)

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Star was nearly there. Perhaps a meter away, perhaps a mile. It seemed to close to her. It almost look as if she was in reaching distance. Maybe she was. Star reached, out took her arms.
Reality stepped back, unsure.
"It is okay. Do not be alarmed. I am not here to hurt you." Star spoke, the choras of a million voices errupting from her mouth made of the sky.
'But... You are the stars. You cannot be here... It is not possible.' Reality mouthed, their hands making movements Star did not understand.
"Is this how you communicate down here?" Star asked, taking Reality's hands. "Through fingers?"
'No... I simply choose to.'
"You have taken the soldiers path." Star said, smiling. Reality was just as Star had seen.
'You could say that.' Reality mouthed. 'Why do you speak the way you do?'
"Is this not normal?"
'Here, we speak in one voice only.'
"Where I am from, we speak in millions. We speak with voices and move with stars."
'Where you are from must be beautiful.'
"It is... At least, it is in sight. As soon as they speak, you would wish you have never been there. It is why I travel out past the moon every night."
'Then you met me.'
"Then I met you. Now you are my escape."
'And you are mine.'
Reality pulled Star onto the edge of the cliff, and sat her down next to her. They talked the night away, Star almost loosing track of the moon. At the very last moment, Star remembered that she was not one of Reality's kind.
"I must go." She spoke. "I must make it past the moon my sunrise."
'I will see you tomorrow?' Reality asked.
"Of course. As always, my love."
'My love?'
"Is that not what you call someone dear to you in your home?"
'It is, but it means romantically, not platonically.'
Star smiled.
"Your home is so weirdly wonderful."
'As is yours.'
With that, Star stood, looking down at Reality. There were so many rules against the two. Why could they never mingle? It seemed so unfair, how they couldn't be sent together without being outcast from both. The fact that Star had even dared come down in the first place was strictly forbidden. But Reality seemed so perfect in that moment, smiling straight at Star, the moonlight reflecting off their eyes. In the reflection, Star could see the father and son laughing about the two girls' exchange. They would not let her in now. She had to disappear with something big.
"Come with me." Star said, locking eyes with Reality.
'How? I cannot fly.'
"I will carry you."
'Will we not be outcast?'
"Perhaps, but no matter. I would rather spend my last moments with you."
'As would I.' Reality said, taking Star's hand. Star pulled Reality close, and flew up into the air. Star took Reality close to the moon, close enough to shout at the father and son, and close enough to hear then shouting as they screamed about never letting her in now. Star simply smiled and lifted Reality's head off of her shoulder.
'What are we doing?' Reality asked, looking around, scanning the father and son.
"Speak for me. Use your one voice just once, just for me."
'I cannot. Would it not be giving up the fight?'
"Every soldier has a weak moment. If anything, it would be ending the fight well."
'You will be the first to hear it.'
"Please speak."
"Star." Reality said, looking at Star, and no one else. "Star." She said again. Star smiled. Reality really did only have one voice. "Star, I'm in love with you." Reality spoke. They would not speak again. Reality did not see the need.
"I'm in love with you too." Star replied in their many voices. Star pulled Reality close, like a hug, but not. Star wasn't sure what it was, but it felt right. It felt like something Reality would do. Reality leaned in, til their noses were touching. It was weird, how solid Star was. It felt weird how close they were. They were both used to one way conversations. Then they kissed. And froze. And Reality turned into stars. But before that, there was a moment of thought. Star knew this would happen. She always did. She wanted it this way. This way, they could be frozen in time forever. Forever happy, in their own little moment. And they still stand there. Frozen in their own moment. Stood in the night sky, if you look just past the moon. If you ignore the moon, and the father and son still sniggering about the girls who froze themselves in time, you might just see them. Those two girl who weren't afraid to collide their worlds. Perhaps, if you look just past the moon, you'd understand.

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