Girl Of Stars

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The windmill was but a silhouette against the pale light of the moon. Said light fell gracefully, like dancers floating through the air, towards the ground, eventually landing, painting everything white with its long fingertips until here was the moon, and the moon was here. Shadows elongated, creating creatures in the dark that should have scared me, but I don't mind them. I've danced with the same creatures on colder nights than this one. Still, I make my way to my spot. A small tree stands there as usual, slightly bigger than last time, like all trees are. There will one day come a time where I can't call it small anymore. Perhaps I won't exist by then. I run my hand along the longest branch like one would along a cat tail, letting it lead me to my place against the wind at the top of the cliff. She'll be here soon. I wait. The other stars slowly appear, as if waking up from a sleep, although they've been awake this whole time. Some flicker out, like they do every night. But non of hers. The first of her suddenly comes into sight, peeking out from behind the moon like she's poking her head shyly around a corner. It's her eye, like it normally is. That one eyes looks straight at me, softening it's light to a pale yellow so it does not blind me. But still, it sparkles brighter than any of the blinding stars. Then a mouth appears, her pieces slowly gathering as the moon moves back round the the horizon. Fingers stretch out, hair curls itself into place. Legs tense and untense; she arches her back and pushes her bare arms into the air. Her mouth parts for the first time tonight as she yawns, before she gives me a quick wave and a 'hello'. I wave back.

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