just a bit of a rant

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Where do I even start

The people I used to be closest with hate me.
I can't get a word in edgeways, they're always off somewhere else about a thing I don't like. I don't get their jokes, I don't like their tone when they laugh about hating me, I don't like them. They never reply to my texts, they never listen to me, they never wait for me, they never do anything for me.

I don't know how I'm supposed to wait another year for something, code name..... I dunno, let's go with... Max? Yeah that works.
I can't wait a year for max, but I'm scared to ask for it to happen sooner. I don't even know how I would ask. What do you say, 'hey, I'm desperate, let's do this again just like this time but like not' ugh. It's a pain. For those of you that know what this is, shush. No one else needs to know. You can tease me about over text, not through wattpad comments. In other words, shut up you two (you know who you are)

Thats it. I mean, it's not, but none of the other stuff matters. I don't need to bother you with my mental health as well as everything else. You don't care. You're not really reading anymore anyway.

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